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1968 Family visit...


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
1AM EDT. Just got home- Monday morning drove from Tim's to SFO (3 Hrs) for my flite to ATL. Got to ATL @ 9:30PM EDT, drove home to Franklin, NC (3 Hrs).Gotta rest these old bones now. Had a GREAT time, made new friends. God is GOOD!!



Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
I returned home safely last night too. Finally rolled in at 8:45.

I wish to thank each and everyone one of those attending. Had a great time.
Sure is nice to finally put a face to the names.

I am really glad that I made this trip, I will remember it always.

We join car clubs and groups because of our cars, but it is the friendships made along the way that allow us to make the best deposits in the old memory bank.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Renee’, thanks for identifying the group photo!! I was starting to do that, but will do this instead! In no particular order, but a couple to the last

Neil Hoppe: Neil! I do want you to adopt me! You remind me so much of my father! A wealth of mechanical knowledge! Your experiences over the years are things that I would have liked to experience myself. Your quick and genuine smile and hardy laugh is a mirror to your soul. You are the godfather of our experience. Ya, you say you are old and let us young guys run amuck with our thoughts on cars, but we respect and seek your opinion. To hear you confirm our thoughts makes us feel like Yoda blessed our conclusions.

Robert Murphy (sarge): I only met you briefly, but your enthusiasm and your beautiful car are a testament to the great family we have. You were humble and let some of us take the lead, when I bet you had your own ideas. I look forward to meeting you again. Another beautiful blue GT/CS!!! Your engine has great adds with the MSD distributor and the Holley double pumper carb.

Steve Wick (rvrtrash): Steve, I think we were separated at birth!! Except I am fatter! Your knowledge of electrical stuff is well known, but your overall knowledge of cars is amazing. Your suggestions on the simple things we did to help some of our family reveal a huge knowledge of all things Ford!! You let me take the lead on doing some carb linkage and tuning, but you did not fool me! You knew as much or more than I do. What a team we could be! I want to open a shop with you so we can close it in the summer to float rivers and lay at lakes. Slow rivers for the old guy please!!

Cory, Trina, and Jace: What a family! Jace and Trina, thank you for sharing Cory! He put so many hours into this book that we will never know. Cory, your tears at the signing were genuine! But I want you to know that you did genuinely impart that you do not feel “special”, but lucky to put our family in print. Trina, you were a grin!! I loved your stories about home construction and, yes if I was forced to kill meat to eat, I would be a vegetarian!! A great balance for the hunting boys you live with! You remind me of my wife who keeps me honest when she is present in the conversation. She ensures I never get too bossy or full of myself!!

Ron Moore (clubpro): Did not spend a great deal of time with you, but your help for Amy will be forever in her, and all of our debts. Your selfless acts of kindness to a perfect stranger are a mirror into the honesty of your business and yourself. The way your wife opened up your home and your offer to give your Explorer and a trailer to Amy was beyond generous. And then instead you drive Satan to Seattle! She is a project (they all are) as you know, but one day Satan will be a pussycat. Thanks for the catalog and I will be doing business with you!!

Roy Christiansen: We met briefly. Hope you can join our site and be part of the family! And thanks for helping Ron get Satan home!!

Ralph and Karen (powell): Wow!! Where do I start? Amy told me you guys were the bomb!! Ok, that means “way cool” in way younger than me terms!!! Amy was right! The effort you put in the nametags and the trophy real finished the whole gathering. Made it so easy on us to recognize each other. Your love for friends and their gathering shown right through. To let TJ wheel your new GT/CS around!! You made a young mans weekend! At the same time TJ is such a fine young man! Thanks for breakfast on Saturday. But most of all thanks for making the whole weekend complete! You ARE the bomb!

Scott Behncke (CougarCJ): You are an encyclopedia of Ford numbers and options. I got to sit and listen a bit to you and Steve talk options and cars. Just when you think you have heard it all something else pops up. So glad you made it! You ARE the source of this stuff and I always wait for you to weigh in on the posts. The collective knowledge of this site is overwhelming! Thanks for your help on our site. Hope to see your 428 CJ Cougar someday. I have fond memories of these cars, but never sat in one.

Renee’: We don’t need your site name to know who you are! What a greeting at the airport! To ride in golden girl with the windows down on a sunny day! All this new trash driving by and then the sound of 40 series “flows” on a small block Ford. Music to my ears. And then to be given the keys to the blue beauty! But you did earn your new nick name “Fast Lane Foster”. Rob, in an unfamiliar (expensive) car heading up the freeway without a clue as to where he is going….. And Renee’ is singing a tune with her foot to the floor in golden girl, not a care in the world! KEEP UP or get LOST!!! All was well, but you certainly don’t leave any gas left in the cylinders as you head up the road!!! And then all the meals. You led the way and all of the women chipped in to take car of us useless men!! But your love of doing this was evident! You did it out of love, with a huge smile on your face! I was honored to tweak a couple things on your beautiful car!

And the best for last! Tim, Francis, and TJ: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! To open up your house and to flip keys to any car you wanted to drive. Your gas bill must be enormous!! Francis, you are a hoot! I had such a great time talking to you! Did not take us long to realize how down to earth we both are. Mustang people are blue collar people as evidenced in all who attended!! “If you can’t laugh at yourself, you are in big trouble, as the rest of us will help!!” Rob looking around for Amy’s green pen, accusing everyone, while it is in his pocket…. “Old-heimers” for Rob. Tim, putting up with Rob constantly badgering you for a tool or something! Giving me the “executive suite” in your home! It was all perfect. And your son TJ! Sometimes the measure of people and a marriage is how their offspring turn out. What a centered, polite, intelligent young man. When they turn out this good take full credit!! I would!! And please tell Carol I had a wonderful time in the 70 Mach as she “wheeled” it around! She is no stranger to speed and it amazed me how comfortable she was in the car!! By the way, she says it is her favorite.

TJ, that engine has a big cam in it!!! Enjoy! Put the 4 barrel back on and get dual exhaust. Have you dad help you sneek that timing ahead a bit. What a great start for a great young man!

And lastly, all of you need a personal ride with Tim at the wheel of Midnight Special, his 390 4 speed GT/CS, and his first purchase. Tim is a true hot rodder and his cars are to be driven and driven HARD! We went through his neighborhood windy roads with the tires protesting loudly and the neighbors, I guess, just used to it!!! Up and down between second and third with the foot on the firewall at times. Way fun!!! Midnight Special is low to the ground and set up with sway bars and ready to corner. Steve (rvrtrash) was on our tail in the Cleveland powered 70 Mach. Steve has done some road racing in his cars and the tires on the Mach were protesting just as loud. Those 5 minutes were the highlight of my weekend as I dug my fingers into the dash and carpet!! Trust me Tim, I will return the favor if you come my way!! Better buckle up hard!

What a prefect weekend. What perfect people!! Hope to see some of you next July 15-18 in Seattle. Rob and Amy will do our best to roll out the red carpet. Better bring you cars though. We only have four……



Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003
For those that weren't there you truly missed what this family is all about. I will remember the day for the rest of my life. We didn't just talk about our specials all day we talked about our other interests, our families, our high school car experiences and life in general. I loved sitting and talking with Neil (my #1 customer) about his experiences with working for Eastern Airlines. Ralph and I connected because of our teaching high school shop classes. I found out that Cory lives very close to my aunt and cousin. Robert and I went high school in the same town and graduated the same year and probably cruised the same strip together and didn't know it. Steve, Ralph and I all lived in the Portland area and talked about that area. Scott just amazed me with his knowledge about Cougars and Mustangs. I wish that we could get Rob, Steve, Neil and Roy and go to Scott's house and help him finish his special.

The ladies in the group were incredible to say the least. Thanks to Francis, Renee, Carol, Karen & Trina. The breakfast Sunday was fantastic, the afternoon appetizers were incredible especially the stuffed mushrooms that Renee' made and the tri-tip dinner was over the top.

T.J. your parts are on their way. Thanks for letting me help you with your Mustang project. I can't wait to see it finished!

Tim you went above and beyond in every way and I know that you didn't do it by yourself. We can't thank you enough for your incredible hospitality. You made your home feel like it was our home. It was truly a family reunion and a very special one that will not be forgotten. I can't wait until the next one!




Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I really don't know what to add that hasn't been said already. Tim was the most gracious of hosts. It's been so long since I piloted a '69-'70 series car that I thought he was kidding when he told me to take it and follow him to the store. When he said, Hey try and keep up, my first thought was "NO WAY!" I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. By the way, he's cool under pressure too. I looked over and saw flames from the bar-b-que reaching the eaves of his house and he just calmly closed the lid and walked away. I thought this must be the California way to clean your Bar-B-Que. I didn't even notice he was busy rumaging around in cars looking for a fire extinguisher.

Renee' is an endless bundle of energy. She would bounce from person to person all weekend making them feel like the best friend from high school that she hadn't seen in a while.

Rob, I would love to open a shop with you. I could just hand you tools and try and keep up, while learning as fast as my brain could store. I think you could tear down a carb and rebuild it with your eyes closed, wearing mittens (for you warm climate types, those are like driving gloves with no fingers, and thicker :wink:).

Neil, It was truly a pleasure meeting you in person. You are like a poster child for "Been there, Done that, have the T-shirt to prove it". I really enjoyed your stories and it was a real pleasure driving around with you.

Ralph and Karen, the effort you went to was unbelievable. Your efforts made the presentation to Cory a thing of beauty. You definately put it over the top and tied everything together.

Scott, It was great going "yarding" with you. You definately know your stuff when it comes to the art of finding diamonds in the rough. I forgot to ask you however, what you thought of that poor guy in Sacramento having to push his Honda the last couple of blocks to the Honda dealer. I wonder if he was heading there or he just happened to be in the right place to break down.

I want to thank everyone for the friendship I felt in this gathering. Being out here in the hinterlands, I've been a little jealous of the rest of you that have other members close by. It was great to be a part of it for a change.

Midnight Special

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Wow! Great stories everybody! Awesome pics!

Thank you Rhonda and thanks again to everyone who was able to come. Cory's announcement for a "drive-by" visit and its culmination into this event (on short notice) was beyond inspiring and pure magic!

...but......apparently, the "registrar" over at SAAC didn't see it that way. We can sure have fun, but I guess we can't please every one ;-)

"This is a book that I was not consulted for, and I DO NOT approve of it's publication--nor is it a Ford Licensed publication.

The GT/CS Registry DOES NOT approve of this book, either. I was not notified, nor invited to this event.

I was not asked for permission to use the "short history" section, which is propretiary, and copyrighted in my 1989 and 1996 editons.

This speaks volumes of the intent of this book, and what's (really) going on over at CS.com, and why I left it for SAAC Forums.
You don't have to think too far to connect the dots why this book was done.

Paul M. Newitt
GT/CS Registrar".

...With great sympathy for he who consistently misses the whole point,

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I guess all of the stuff this site has found through years of owning cars we paid for, and contributed for anyone's use who visits this site, is "copyrighted" and not ours. Our Marti reports, that we paid for, are copyrighted if they contain the GT/CS option on them. Oh good, my Marti does not have the option listed, so I guess I can own it!

I guess my brain is copyrighted also. What is left of it anyway. Or the tiny parts that contain GT/CS knowledge!!Gee whiz!



Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
This speaks volumes of the intent of this book, and what's (really) going on over at CS.com, and why I left it for SAAC Forums.
You don't have to think too far to connect the dots why this book was done.

Paul M. Newitt
GT/CS Registrar".

(Somebody should ask him at the SAAC site)
Soooo whats REALLY going on at CS.com Paul? :rolleyes:

Too bad he's still trying to justify why he left his "home" site.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
What is this approval thing? And why does he think anyone needs permission to write scrap book of car pictures and the owners stories for a Californian or High Country Special Mustang?

Dang me, it is a book of owners and their cars, nothing more, nothing less.

This site still exists with or without his royal highness's permission and or approval.

Last I heard it was Jon Hanna that was paying the bills.

Jon bought into the idea for our book and made a submission too.

Almost laughable, kind of like one of those Bud Light commercials.
Real men of genius, we salute you Mr Cal Special name taker.

You have laid claim to a moniker of a 40 year old car, and call it your own.

Chorus of "They connected the do-ots".
Midnight Special

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
What is this approval thing? And why does he think anyone needs permission to write scrap book of car pictures and the owners stories for a Californian or High Country Special Mustang?

Dang me, it is a book of owners and their cars, nothing more, nothing less.

This site still exists with or without his royal highness's permission and or approval....

...This site thrives!...
And I look extremely forward to hearing about, if not attending more of these gatherings in the future :)


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
...This site thrives!...
And I look extremely forward to hearing about, if not attending more of these gatherings in the future :)

Me too Tim, and ditto to all on everything that has been said.

Paul can live in his dream world thinking he owns all things CS, he invented the CS and he is the sole reason it lives in infamy but the way he is offending and alienating people it won't be long and no one will have any interest in anything he owns or has copywritten. I just hope they don't catch on over at SAAC. ;-)



Well-known member
Nov 7, 2007
Tim, cory, rob, our gt/cs family, i havent said anything about paul till now.
This was the last straw. Our book is the best. Our book (owners) i have always promoted our gt/cs in every show i have entered,not for paul ,for us. Cory did a grate job on our book with our permission. Its been what 4yrs for pauls book? I just needed to say something about this.our site is the best.............

Last edited:

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
You see it as simple as it is. Fun, family, and cars. What else is there! Hope to meet you soon! This site is full of us simple people.



Feb 28, 2006
I sure missed a good time...

What a sweet treat to read the accounts of everyone who got together... and to peruse the picture diaries posted. LOL on the Fed Ex delivery, and love your Reno Air Race pics, too, Tim and Renee.

I live near my baby brudder, Tim, but unfortunately, my schedule didn't mesh... had a weekend-long Bull Riding Finals to photograph and videotape that weekend a hundred miles away. Sure would have been a blast to record THIS event, too, for youtube posterity.... hopefully next time.

Makes me reminiscent of the ride my husband Tommy and I got to take with Tim, Frances, TJ, Katie, Renee, Scott, Nate, our brother Sean, Robert, and many other family members, including our dearly departed sis-in-law, Cathy (Sean's wife), a couple years ago...



Well done, everyone! So happy for and proud of, you for making this happen.
