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Would like to join your GT/CS "family"


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2006
Peapack, New Jersey
Hi, I've been a lurker on your site for awhile now. I just love your site! From visiting your site and reading the threads I feel like I know you guys and gals so well and I've learned so much about California Specials from all of you. So, since I finally bought my dream 68 GT/CS I thought it was time to introduce myself and hopefully become part of your "family". My name is Amy and I live in NJ. I actually bought the "holy grail" car! Before anyone gets too excited and you know who I'm referring to. I bought the car that this site refered to as the "holy grail" car (or color at least). It was for sale in CA and I bought it and had it shipped here to NJ. Anyway, I was hoping to register it in time for Paul's book deadline. Is that still possible? Also, Paul how do I go about getting a copy of that book once it's finished? Are you taking orders? If so, please put my name on the list. Thank you.
I look forward to future discussions about our cars and hopefully answers to my many questions. I still have a lot to learn about the GT/CS but I know I've come to the right place! Thumbs up to you all!


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
Hi Amy,

Let me welcome you to the site!! You're very fortunate to have found yourself not just a Mustang, no not just a GT/CS, but a "holy grail" (color) CS!!! ... I'll bet there are some out there that'll wanna see some pic's ... and like a proud parent, I'm sure you'll be showing them too ...


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Welcome to the family Amy!

It's great to know that we have prevented another Highland Green car from being painted orange or purple!!!!

And another happy owner on the East coast. Looks like it'll be time for an East Coast meet pretty soon.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2006
Peapack, New Jersey
Actually, Arlie this was the car that you were interested in last year. I was just wondering why you never bought it? Just wondering what you thought of it.

Yeah, Mustanger I will post some pictures as soon as I take some. I just got the car here in NJ, have to clean it up and take some pics, probably this weekend.

Thanks for the welcome!


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I think I've called a couple cars "the holy grail". If it was the one on eBay almost a year ago the seller flaked on me. I told him I wanted to look at it but he never responed back. He also said the car was in New York.

If it was the more recent one (about 2 months ago) it's a timing problem right now. My aqua car is almost finished but it's not to where I could easily sell it, and I don't have the room for 2 Specials. That said, if the perfect J-code car comes along at the perfect price I'd probably buy it and store it until I could free up some garage space. Come to think of it we never use the living room.......


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
Welcome to the site Amy. We look forward to hearing more about your car in the future. Don't feel shy about asking questions of the group!!



Well-known member
Jul 26, 2006
Peapack, New Jersey
Thanks Paul! I think a lot of my questions will be answered when I get the GT/CS Recognition Guide. The rest I will save for you guys and gals!


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
Welcome Amy. It's great to have more women around here! Especially with a Highland Green CS. I think that's 3 of us gals with the coveted color, am I right Rhonda?


Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
Welcome Amy and glad to have you as part of our GT/CS family. You're right Sara, seems like there are more female CS owners around this site. Look out guys, were headed toward minority status!
Jul 25, 2006
Amy, Welcome To The Family, I Will Step Up And Say I Was Welcomed So I Can Do The Same...i Hope You Enjoy As Well...THIS IS THE CLEANEST AND FUNNIEST GROUP IVE FOUND HANDS DOWN..


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
luisa2552 said:
Welcome Amy. It's great to have more women around here! Especially with a Highland Green CS. I think that's 3 of us gals with the coveted color, am I right Rhonda?

Yes Sara, as far as I know, we have 3 active members of the site that are female and Highland Green GT/CS owners. There could be several more listed in the registry.

:smile: Welcome to our GT/CS family Amy!!!!!! Its great to have you here! :smile:


Hi Amy! (waving my hands)...

It's me, over here....Paul Newitt--the GT/CS Registrar...as you may be confused. There is more than one Paul here...

Yes, you can register your GT/CS with me--but please do it ASAP. Time is running out, and many people have been good enough to get theirs in quickly.

I need your car's data plate info, the VIN, options, and anything else you find of interest to tell me about the car. Include a Photo CD, or photos of the car, too (or you with it, etc.)

Here is my address:

Paul M. Newitt
GT/CS Registry
P.O. Box 2245
Davis, CA 95617

As I write this--I am working on the book. In fact, it looks like it's going to be a hardbound, 200 pp., with (est.) a 2000 print run, all signed and numbered. Everyone who writes me (snail mail) is put on my list for the mass mailing about the book--coming soon!

We appreciate your becoming an "un-lurker", and hopefully, more will come from behind that "digital curtain"....

Not a lot of GT/CS cars in NJ. When you see a new 2007 one, or I should say, when they see you in yours, it will be pretty impressive!

Thanks, and welcome! You're in good company. "US" guys are having to buying more than one, sometimes four to keep up with the female competition! Geez Louize!! LOL!!



Well-known member
Jul 26, 2006
Peapack, New Jersey
Thanks all for the warm welcomes! I just like to say I especially appreciate hearing from Diesel Donna and Rhonda, you gals greatly inspired me to actually bite the bullet and purchase one of these super cars! And I just happened to get lucky enough to find a Highland Green one! Us green sisters have to stay together! DD- I love the color of your car also-it's the color of my birth stone, periodot!


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2006
Peapack, New Jersey
Hey Paul (waving back)
I couldn't get you confused! From this site I've learned that "you're the man"!
I can't wait to get my hands on that book when you finish it! I give you so much credit for taking the time and having the passion to accomplish such a great quest!

I will send you all my information ASAP. Hope it gets to you on time.

Funny thing, just thought I'd share- I just got the car to NJ (the day I picked it up from the transport place) I had it in my driveway for about 5 minutes and the mailman came down the street, he pulled in the driveway and said he just had to look at the car! He said he owned a Shelby many years ago. He seemed impressed with my car (even though it was really dirty from the trip) and probably a little sad because he didn't own his Shelby anymore. It's always cool when someone shares your passion for these great classics!

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Thanks all for the warm welcomes! I just like to say I especially appreciate hearing from Diesel Donna and Rhonda, you gals greatly inspired me to actually bite the bullet and purchase one of these super cars! And I just happened to get lucky enough to find a Highland Green one! Us green sisters have to stay together! DD- I love the color of your car also-it's the color of my birth stone, periodot!

Hey, I never even thought about that before...I'm Peridot too! Gosh, too bad I wasn't able to take your car to NJ for you...I had a thread here about transporting a vehicle for anyone in need recently but actually I could have only gone from east to west as I already had my Suburbanator on the trailer when I went to New York. Just thought I would help out anyone who needed transportation, I always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!
Amy, I have a classic ambulance..and it was originally ordered and used in Deal,New Jersey. I bought it in Western NY and then contacted the fire department that owned it back in the 70's. I told them it was going to Cali, and if they wanted to see it one last time, I would 'swing by'. It was 500 miles out of my way but it was worth it...SO much fun to talk to them and check out the station. New Jersey is beautiful...the Garden State! But I have a question for you.
Amy...how does anyone ever LEAVE New Jersey? You can't make a left turn there! I had to make a gazillion right turns to make a left! That was crazy! Puts a new spin on "What goes on in NJ stays in NJ!". I also almost had a knockdown dragout at a gas station as I didn't know that I was not allowed to pump my own gas there. This guy just walks up and grabs my ATM card out of my hand....he almost got clocked!! He did give up and let me get my own gas....I mean I had no idea who he was and what the NJ law was about pumping gas....Uh.....did he have to go to gas pumping university or something? LOL!
You'll have a blast with your new car. This weekend is the debut of Miss Buttercup...owned by TwoRings....they bought her just a few months ago, and I happen to be going to the same show as they are this Saturday. I feel like a proud Aunt with another CS at a show and her first time! I have never seen another CS at a car show other than at Knott's Fab Ford Show every April. This will be so fun! The show is at the John Force Racing facility. I hope Mrs. TwoRings will post pictures.
Anyhow, welcome to the family!



Well-known member
Jul 26, 2006
Peapack, New Jersey
Hey Donna, first of all when's your b-day? Mine is Aug 12. It's funny what you thought about your trip to NJ. I guess it's kind of like that, being from a different state and not knowing the lay of the land/roads etc. I guess I just take it for granted living here all my life. I know what roads to take and what roads not to take to get from point A to point B the quickest.

Yeah, and pumping your own gas, I've never had to do that! I also take that for granted too! I don't know the first thing about it. If I drove out of state by myself I would probably have to pay someone to pump the gas for me or just stay where I was stranded on empty!


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
Diesel Donna said:
Hey, I never even thought about that before...I'm Peridot too! Gosh, too bad I wasn't able to take your car to NJ for you...I had a thread here about transporting a vehicle for anyone in need recently but actually I could have only gone from east to west as I already had my Suburbanator on the trailer when I went to New York. Just thought I would help out anyone who needed transportation, I always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!
Amy, I have a classic ambulance..and it was originally ordered and used in Deal,New Jersey. I bought it in Western NY and then contacted the fire department that owned it back in the 70's. I told them it was going to Cali, and if they wanted to see it one last time, I would 'swing by'. It was 500 miles out of my way but it was worth it...SO much fun to talk to them and check out the station. New Jersey is beautiful...the Garden State! But I have a question for you.
Amy...how does anyone ever LEAVE New Jersey? You can't make a left turn there! I had to make a gazillion right turns to make a left! That was crazy! Puts a new spin on "What goes on in NJ stays in NJ!". I also almost had a knockdown dragout at a gas station as I didn't know that I was not allowed to pump my own gas there. This guy just walks up and grabs my ATM card out of my hand....he almost got clocked!! He did give up and let me get my own gas....I mean I had no idea who he was and what the NJ law was about pumping gas....Uh.....did he have to go to gas pumping university or something? LOL!
You'll have a blast with your new car. This weekend is the debut of Miss Buttercup...owned by TwoRings....they bought her just a few months ago, and I happen to be going to the same show as they are this Saturday. I feel like a proud Aunt with another CS at a show and her first time! I have never seen another CS at a car show other than at Knott's Fab Ford Show every April. This will be so fun! The show is at the John Force Racing facility. I hope Mrs. TwoRings will post pictures.
Anyhow, welcome to the family!


Hey Donna,

I'm also hoping to make it to John Force's car show this Saturday ... hope to see you and TwoRings there:


... and also remember (especially when in NJ):

2 wrongs may not = 1 right, but
3 rights = 1 left

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Hey Donna, first of all when's your b-day? Mine is Aug 12. It's funny what you thought about your trip to NJ. I guess it's kind of like that, being from a different state and not knowing the lay of the land/roads etc. I guess I just take it for granted living here all my life. I know what roads to take and what roads not to take to get from point A to point B the quickest.

Yeah, and pumping your own gas, I've never had to do that! I also take that for granted too! I don't know the first thing about it. If I drove out of state by myself I would probably have to pay someone to pump the gas for me or just stay where I was stranded on empty!

I am August 2 .
By the way Amy, when those guys pump your gas tell them to put a soft cloth under the popoff gas cap when they release it. The cap touches on the bumper and can start to cause a mark on your chrome and then that can start to rust. I keep a cloth in my trunk and always slip it between the cap and the bumper. Don't let them hold down on the gas handle so that it pushes the cap down onto the bumper without that cloth!
