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Any opinions on the value of my GT/CS


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Hi Donna,

Great stuff!!! Thanks for the info.
I live just north of NYC. I've lived in Westchester, Putnam and now Dutchess County ... moving up as the prices and taxes rise! :cool: My wife is from the Bronx originally. (as are most of my relatives at some point)

Funny you mentioned Jamestown - we were just talking about it yesterday. We had been thinking of taking a drive to the Niagra Falls area and wanted to stop there on the way - my wife is a big I Love Lucy fan and we heard there is a museum there so since it was on the way we were going to stop. That's funny that you mentioned that.


Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Rich..I'm gonna send you a private email...folks might think we got carried away on this thread!
