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For Sale Yellow '68 GT/CS in San Dimas


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
I've seen this car in-person several times and I remember awhile back when the owner purchased it and restored it for his daughter ... well, she didn't want it and now he's trying to sell it. He cleaned it up and restored the 289, the a/c, painted the car, and he installed a 9" Lincoln Vers. rear end/axle in it, that's how he has 4-wheel disc brakes. He also has the Shelby (ie "short") stands for his Lucas lights ... also, due to the Lincoln rear axle, he has Cragars with a custom backspacing allowing the wheels to fit properly in the wheel wells ... everything else, he seems to have done a nice job ...
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Well-known member
May 22, 2009
I have not done one but have hear that it is expencive and you will lose your E brake. Unless you plan to race the car probbly not worth it as the front brake does about 75% of the braking. If you were doing a independant rear suspension conversion I would go all the way and go discs. Just my 2 cents Marty