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Replacing 68 trans with 65 C4 - interchangeable?


New member
Apr 14, 2007
Does anyone know if the 68 Mustang transmission (such as in a case where the Mustang originally had a manual trans) can be directly replaced with the 65 C4, including linkages, assuming you use a 68 shifter for authentic appearance?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
If they are both 6 bolt bellhousings, I would guess it would work, but I'm not positive.


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
As Steve said if it is a 6 bolt it will bolt to the engine. It also should have no tunnel problems, but the drive line yoke and drive shaft length may be a problem.

The 1965 "green dot cruise-o-matic" is very different than a 67/68 C4. It was designed with three shift points. Low, the green dot, and drive. In low you get low gear only. In the green dot mode (second) it starts in first and shifts to second and then to third automatically. In the drive or what your shift indicator would say as "D", it starts in second and goes to third. Ford thought that starting in second was good for snow and such. Kinda a hold over from the old automatics from the late 50's and early 60's. the all started in second and went to third. the only way to get low was to put it in low and shift it manually.

I would not do this to your car. Either rebuild yours or get a good used one somewhere. In my mind this would be a step backward in "driveability".
