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Racing Results and Pictures from Fontana

John McGilvary

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
standard studs mounted on the axles are really short...i had racing studs put in that have extra length on them (1/2" in diameter)...so when i said racing studs...i mean studs that have sufficient length...they check this at the track...the standard studs are less than 3" and i think my studs are 5"

John, beating a 454 vette at the track with a 13.1 at 105mph...thats freakin cool man haha...did you have some cheater slicks on it? or some wide rear tires? ...what was your rear end gear ratio?

officer tucker...it would be cool to see you there and finally get to meet you :)

Ya David, I just about lost my load, especialy after the race anouncer said,
"look at this little California Special Mustang, he's going to try to take on one of the big boys". Needless to say the next time I lined up he had changed his mind about the " little California Special ".

I have 3.91's, and I barrowed some slicks from a friend. Don't get me started, I could write a book about all the fun and CRAZY stuff my CS and I done back then.



Well-known member
Jul 25, 2004
San Fernando Valley, California
Ya David, I just about lost my load, especialy after the race anouncer said,
"look at this little California Special Mustang, he's going to try to take on one of the big boys". Needless to say the next time I lined up he had changed his mind about the " little California Special ".

I have 3.91's, and I barrowed some slicks from a friend. Don't get me started, I could write a book about all the fun and CRAZY stuff my CS and I done back then.


haha i love hearing those stories...im guessing you were in your 20s around that time?...im 22, had my car since 15 and half...im in the middle of all the "fun and crazy stuff" still haha im not up to a book...but my monthly special mustang story was like 13 pages...but i have a huge file folder full of info and a garage full of parts...the car consumes you and you become the car...anyways...

many announcer ppl at the track dont know what they are talking about haha...you sure made him eat crow on that race...i've had announcers, a number of times, call my car a camaro.

Great info about the racing...i've always wondered where my big small block 347 stands compared to a real big block 428....so besides your super tune and slicks...you ran a 13.1 @ 105 basically stock? ..with the 3.91 stock gear and the stock transmission and torque converter? stock cam? stock heads?...original exhaust?...original 4 barrel(tuned)? ...stock paper air filter?...pretty much off the showroom floor but with slicks on it and some advanced timing & tuning and it ran a 13.1 @ 105!!!! that is really impressive (i've never been in a car with a big block)

John McGilvary

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
Back in the 60's we didn't have all the cool " go fast stuff they have now ".
I was 18 just out of high school, at my first real job, bought my first car and that was my CS. Didn't have the $$ to buy any mod. parts, it was hard enough to find $5 to fill my tank up and buy a Coke so I could profile around town looking for races and females.
Back then I had the ulimate sleeper, no engine size on the fender and one of the first CJ's produced.
