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Crazy Ideas for celibrating 40 years of our CS's


Stacey Enderle

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2006
I did a quick mapquest.

From Chicago to Denver is about 1000 miles.

From LA to Denver is about 1000 miles.

Houston to Denver is about 1000 miles.

Denver is a good center. Except any other east coast cars would have to come farther than 1000 miles.

Obviously it is 2000 miles and more for midwest/east coast cars to LA - a very long way for 40 year old car.

Maybe there is a west coast 40 anniversary and a denver 40 anniversary for both HCS and CS. This way more can participate with their car.

Just a thought. casey

I'd say that's a good centralized place to meet for most of us. The midwest and east coast cars there can be other meeting points as well, Chicago can be another meeting point for the grand book signing relay. :smile:


Stacey Enderle

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2006
Somewhere on this site is a thread where I list the numbers of owners by State.

California is the dominate owner state--and there are twice as many owners in So. Cal than No. Cal.

It's something like 1/2 in all of Calif, the other half throughout the U.S. and other countries.

We'll think of something, somewhere to make it a real (worthwhile) destination.

Let us not forget that the Annual BBQ in Grass Valley is a real draw, too.

Paul N.

Hi Paul,

In case you haven't found the list yet from the archives here it is,...:smile:
Originally Posted by PNewitt
Here is an update from the GT/CS Registry. Not since 1996 has there been this type of information. I did a count within the registry to determined just how many cars, registered with names, are in each state. Since not everyone "everywhere" in the US (and a few other countries) has registered their (1968) GT/CS, this is at best a good thumbnail estimate of how many cars are out there, and by state.

A better, detailed listing and analysis of these numbers will be in the upcoming book. The total cars listed with addresses in the Registry is 684 (16% of total original production) , but the Registry has close to 1100 (27% of total original production) cars listed from many sources.

California (both Northern and Southern) still has 34% of all cars in the registry (in the U.S.) The Colorado numbers, as well as parts of those surrounding states are mostly HCS cars, but are included.

Note that after almost 40 years, cars in certain states have declined, by "natural attrition", due to bad weather of daily driving, etc. Some folks in certain states here will find that they have a GT/CS that is extremely rare, like in Mississippi, South Carolina, Maine, Arkansas, etc. What is the real suprise is that Arizona was sent many, many cars in 1968, but only have 20 have been registered today.

So--by the numbers are the distribution of 1968 GT/CS Mustangs:

California: 235 (No. Cal - 112, So Cal. - 123)

Colorado - 43 (thanks to Bob Teets' HCS Registry)
Texas - 38
Washington St. - 30

Oregon - 27
Arizona - 20

Illinois - 19

Michigan - 18 Missouri - 18

Florida - 17

New Mexico - 15

Minnesota - 13 Oklahoma - 13

Utah - 12

Indiana - 11 Ohio - 11

New York - 9

Montana - 8 Idaho - 8

Georgia - 7 Virginia - 7 Iowa - 7

Alabama - 6

Massachusetts -5 Arkansas - 5 Pennsylvania - 5
Maryland - 5 South Dakota - 5 North Dakota - 5

Nebraska - 4 Alaska - 4 Wyoming - 4 New Jersey - 4

Wisconsin - 3 Hawaii - 3 Kentucky - 3 Kansas - 3

Tennesee - 2 Lousianna - 2 Maine - 2 West Virginia - 2
Connecticut - 2 Puerto Rico - 2

New Hampshire - 1 South Carolina - 1 Mississippi - 1



Canada: 41 total, (of that, B.C.: 20)
Australia - 7
New Zealand -1
Sweden - 2
UK - 1


Paul M. Newitt
GT/CS Registrar


Wasn't there one car in the Phillipines and another in Iceland?



You're right, Stacey, I beleive there is one in each the Phillipines and Iceland.

I'll include information on proposed sites in '08, both in Calif. and Denver--in the upcoming mailer that goes out to over 1,000 members/owners.

Thanks for posting those numbers, by state. I'm sure a lot of folks haven't seen that.


Stacey Enderle

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2006
CS recount?

Sounds to me, we may need to do a CS recount. They come out of the wood work or migrate to different parts of the country.



Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Just thought I'd chime in for the East Coast folks who haven't said much on this thread.

While each Eastern state might not have a lot of cars, the East Coast in general (unscientifically) has the following CS/HCS cars.

Florida - 17
Ohio - 11 ( a stretch for the east coast but close in proximity for a meeting I think)
New York - 9 (10 with my new car)
Georgia - 7
Virginia - 7
Alabama - 6
Massachusetts -5
Pennsylvania - 5
Maryland - 5
New Jersey - 4
Tennesee - 2
Maine - 2
West Virginia - 2
Connecticut - 2
New Hampshire - 1
South Carolina - 1
Mississippi - 1

If my quick math is right that's 89 cars.

If we got a quarter of that we would have about 20 cars or so for an Eastern US meet. Maybe a meet at a big show.
I think Carlisle. PA Ford Weekend already gets a few CS cars.

I'll admit I would love to take my car to a 40th celebration but making a trek cross country in my car or cars would be tough - definitely would be a trailer trip if I took it on.
I'm sure other East Coasters feel the same.
I'm not against putting mileage on my car by any means. It's the concern about the car making the round trip. We talked 1000 miles above but we need to go the 1000 back home too.

East Coast thoughts anyone?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Since I doubt we will ever have total agreement on where to hold "The" 40th anniversary event it'll probably be up to members to just jump in and plan an event for his or her area.

I've always been leaning towards 3 events; one each in California, Denver, and the East Coast.

Anyone willing to host or organize a get-together in your area?


The flier for the book that I'm about to mail out, will have questions about the 40th Get Together; whether you'd like to go to a designated location; and if so, where you'd like it to be... I'll also ask about "when" it could be, since people's schedules, vacation time, etc., can vary.

For example, the folks at Galipin Ford in San Fernando Valley (L.A.) have expresed interest to have it at their Ford dealership, maybe next spring, near the time of the Knott's Car Show.

There will be people that will drive anywhere--and others who would like something very local. I'd like to think of something that will make everyone feel "special", whether they go to an event or not.

Paul N.