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Bumper Guards


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2006
6t8-390gt said:
Do you have any knowledge of the front suspension pieces being "blacked out" on San Jose cars. My car had ALL of the original suspension when I purchased the car in 1981, most of it remains on the car today. I restored it to "natural" conditions. I am convinced it was blacked out, it was poorly done and not covered 100% (difficult to remove too!).

Yes I agree thought most of the people involved have different opinions (mostly none- west coast people ;) I guess we need to start collecting VINs with the details, though it will likely take some work to convince others.

Mush of the issue IMHO I believe is that because (in my opinion) the company that supplied San Jose also supplied the counter/replacement parts any "original car" found to day with painted upper control arms is simply explained away by saying that the A arms have been replaced.

I feel confortable with stating that, though a number of unpainted may have been installed, that the vast majority of the 67-at least 69 San Jose Mustangs recieved the black dipped upper A arms similar to the 65-66 ones we are all familar with


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2004
Central Virginia
I am willing to accept what has become the norm for the upper and lower control arms. I was speaking of the strut rods, inner and outer tie rods, and center link. I have some 35mm pictures of the disassembled parts.

Were you stamping and marking a 66 Shelby at SAAC-31?