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Need your input: Paul Newitt writing a new GT/CS Recog. & Owner's Manual


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I am just curious about everthing that is going on with the book that we are supposed to receive and this new book paul is talking about. This new book when is that going to be started and finished and how much is this going to cost. when is the book that we ordered about two years ago be finished. Iam not getting any younger iam 70 years old would like to see the book finished and in my hands

I'm pretty sure there is only 1 book. What new book are you referring to?


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
FRANK! I see you have two new CSs.

There is a new model CS registry online that a former member of this site had started way back when I got my 08 in Aug 07. I'll try to get the link. Ron is more user friendly than PMN, won't deny your registration, sends out holiday cards and the 'new day Marti' HBvOM reports if requested. This is how I found out my 08 CS has global windows- where you can open/close the windows remotely.

Amy (not trying to overthrow this site's registry)

*Which brings up a good point. Jon, has the registry submission process be altered/adapted to allow us to submit the new model cars?

frank s

Well-known member
May 31, 2009
San Diego CA USA
FRANK! I see you have two new CSs.

There is a new model CS registry online that a former member of this site had started way back when I got my 08 in Aug 07. I'll try to get the link. Ron is more user friendly than PMN, won't deny your registration, sends out holiday cards and the 'new day Marti' HBvOM reports if requested. This is how I found out my 08 CS has global windows- where you can open/close the windows remotely.

Amy (not trying to overthrow this site's registry)

*Which brings up a good point. Jon, has the registry submission process be altered/adapted to allow us to submit the new model cars?
Hello, Amy,

Thanks for the thought, and for the subsequent query. I've been connected with Ron Since the first week of my GT/CS existence, last September. You are correct about his temperament.

http://gtcsregistry.com/ and



Active member
Jun 15, 2005
I didn't log in for a time and see what pops up and what I've missed! Since I haven't really posted much and hang in the back, I have not much of a right to talk. When I got into this in the early 90's, Paul was very helpful. I got the 2 previous registeries and sent him updates of information on my car to be included in the later. Unfortunately it must have missed the deadline, as it was never updated, even though it was mailed months before. It would have been nice, but really, I was just happy driving the car around!!!! I can only imagine what a task it is compiling all this information. I know in the middle of all this that Paul lost his mother and she was a big part of his life. Life does overwhelm us at time and things seem to pile up and take a back seat. I would imgaine there were days he would come home and not want to do anything. Major life changes can do that to you. Going through the loss of both parents, a divorce and PTSD from deployment within a period of 3 years, I can relate. It has also taught me to put things into real perspective. I paid for a book. When it is done, I'll receive it. In the meantime, enjoy driving the car. I don't agree that he should pick and chose on what should be in the book. If someone sends the registrar the information, it should be included no matter what. I don't agree with people and their cars not being included. Can we influence Paul not to do this? I don't know. I, individually, don't have the power, but us as a group? I think it is sad it has come to this. I love this site and have received wonderful information. Thanks.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
I paid for a book. When it is done, I'll receive it. In the meantime, enjoy driving the car. I don't agree that he should pick and chose on what should be in the book. If someone sends the registrar the information, it should be included no matter what. I don't agree with people and their cars not being included. Can we influence Paul not to do this? I don't know. I, individually, don't have the power, but us as a group?

I agree with you. I know Paul will do the right thing, and in the end know the difference between being spiteful and doing what is best for the registry. A registry that is complete is worth more than one with selected entries.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
i agree with you. I know paul will do the right thing, and in the end know the difference between being spiteful and doing what is best for the registry. A registry that is complete is worth more than one with selected entries.
