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Pre-Knott's Saturday Meet & Greet


Well-known member
May 4, 2007
Ventura County, CA

Have been away for a few days and was looking at our calendar's cars again then realized that in my earlier post in this thread I'd referred to Joe's '68 as the "cover car" instead of the January car, DOH :embarass:

Anyways, I'm a little amazed but not overly surprised that in the past week this has turned into a bonafide, downright oh-ficial GT/CS 4oth anniversary event. This is awesome, great job "taking the pass and running it in for a TD" Paul! Wooo hooo! I'll definately be there and will plan on bringing along my "spotted horse" GT/CS in pretty much original condition as well, thanks for the encouragement Mike. It kinda sucks that us GT/CS owners are so spread out residing not only here in North America but worldwide and that it couldn't be easier to bring us all together at Galpin. Hmmm. Wonder if they could convince the folks at Ford to set up little fund to assist those that would need help to get here from afar specially seeing how so many of us have done so much to preserve a very good part of Ford's heritage and history. I know it's a pipe dream especially these days but it sounded good at first. It would be great to see some if not all of the folks from the East coast, the Northwest and all the other faraway places at Galpin in April.

Oh, and yes, it would be great if we could at least get the 40 GT/CSs to commemorate their 40th but if we could get 100+ that would look even better in the history books.

Can't wait :icon_ecst


Well-known member
May 4, 2007
Ventura County, CA
Forgot to ask...

...if extra people can come along. I have a few friends and family that would probably love to attend. Plus I'm sure as word gets around (as if it hasn't already) to the VMF and other Mustang sites there'll be alot more interest. If it's set up as come one, come all and charge for the food then I wouldn't see extra people showing up as a problem/burden at all. The more people we can educate and get to check out our GT/CSs the better eh? Maybe it can be set up so that some of the local restaurants can setup food booths there to give the "out of towners" a little taste of California grub :tongue: If they think there'll be enough in attendance to warrant doing something like that it would be a nice touch but I don't know how kindly Galpin takes to hosting stuff like that with their own restaurant on the premises and all. Maybe Paul can ask and see, wouldn't hurt I guess. I look forward to the offical announcement regardless.

OK, now it's waaaay past my bed time, I'll finish catching up later. Good night or good morning everyone!



WOW. What enthusiasm!! This is great!

I need to talk with Beau about the details of the event--maybe this week. I'm hoping to line up our cars in the GAS parking lot, but if there's too many cars, it might be across the street at the Mustang Showroom parking area (inside this showroom are Shelbys, Saleens, and Rousch Mustangs--and a couple of the GAS "Galvanized" Mustangs. Quite a place!).

We'll figure out something for food! Yes--they have a great restaurant (Horseless Carriage), that might be able to handle our "food needs".

When I get the details figured out, I'll let everyone know ASAP.

As far as the spreading out of the '68 CS over the past 40 years, it's amazing that the highest concentration is still in So Cal. About 200-250 in the Registry. I'll be doing a mailing to get as many as possible to show up.

We look forward to seeing you, Obwan, --and you'll probably have a nice drive down the 101 to get there! You're one of the lucky owners to live on the Pacific Ocean!

Paul N.


Oct 9, 2007
sherwood park Ab. Canada
:grin: hi everyone got my forms sent into the Knott's show. I'll be at the Galpin show also. So it's my wife myself and most important our 2008 candy apple red CS convertable. see you there!!!


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2004
Award for farthest drive?!!!

:grin: hi everyone got my forms sent into the Knott's show. I'll be at the Galpin show also. So it's my wife myself and most important our 2008 candy apple red CS convertable. see you there!!!

Wow digiddy...I'm impressed. How far of a drive is THAT?

I know others are flying in which is also very cool.

Will look forward to meeting you all.
