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. Paul M. Newitt has a new article in the Shelby American magazine.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
I proof-read the article a couple weeks ago for Paul. Glad to see it is published now. It is very good. There is amazing history behind our GT/CS and HCS's. Casey


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Paul Newitt's article

I just got on the attachment you guys are talking about, but was unable to find the specific article. Any help would be appreciated.



Well-known member
Jul 25, 2004
San Fernando Valley, California
it appears to me that you have to be a member of www.saac.com to view the Shelby American Magazine online.

then i went to join and saw that it is $50 a year. I'd join if i hadn't spent all my money on my GT/CS Hahaha

i really want to check out that article!


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2007
It seems we have join saac ($50.00) to see this......



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Paul has a great new article in the Summer Shelby American magazine. Wow...it's really great. I'm glad to see we finally have a huge GT/CS article in the Shelby American. It's about time. Great job Paul.


This is a must read for all GT/CS owners.



You know that many of the members here are quite upset with Paul for the numerous delays in publishing his book so do you think they will be thrilled to hear about the wonderful article he spent time away from his book to post on the SAAC site?

Then we find out that the article can only be viewed by paying a $50 membership to SAAC.

So, as I see it you want us to pay to read an article that we should have already read if Paul's book was published when promised. Sorry, but as you can probably tell I have a little problem with that logic.

John McGilvary

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006

you know that many of the members here are quite upset with paul for the numerous delays in publishing his book so do you think they will be thrilled to hear about the wonderful article he spent time away from his book to post on the saac site?

Then we find out that the article can only be viewed by paying a $50 membership to saac.

So, as i see it you want us to pay to read an article that we should have already read if paul's book was published when promised. Sorry, but as you can probably tell i have a little problem with that logic.

me too !!!!!!!!!

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...'Am neither impressed nor surprised. Just more of the same "taking" to sell it back to you. 'Sorry to you Casey, but too many years of this Newitt nonsense.

Formidable as our site is - imagine how awesome it would be if people had the foresight and freedom from his PM attacks to share everything openly & freely (attempted many times) with all CS owners (small and tight group), as opposed to the hording, dividing, withholding and otherwise non-professional gloating we've seen from this individual...

...And now CaptDave comes here to do Newitt's bidding once he's exhausted your good faith and efforts, to get you to pay 50 more bucks to SAAC for the same "Paul'itical" drama we had here! 'Doesn't add up in my mind, but makes for interesting reading I suppose.

But Hey! - I'm sure there will be a great explanation and exciting new run of "book" updates to ring in the New Year! That'll make five!!


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Yes, SAAC costs a membership to join and in order to get their magazine (online magazine these days). I have been a member for many, many years....so, I didnt just join for the article.

The article is drawn from the new book, so the two are not exclusive activities. I know for certain Paul is working very hard to finalize the book, and SAAC has been a great help in some of the historical details of the GT/CS between Shelby and Ford - in many ways Paul has access to new information he may have never had if it were not for SAAC helping out.

I have a whole lot (include $$'s) invested in Paul's book, so I am just as eager to see it published as anyone here. Often an artist has trouble knowing when his art is finished and ready for the public to see....this is not uncommon. I am encouraging Paul nearly daily to put on the final brush strokes and let us all see the beautiful artwork.



Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest

Why do you post for Paul on this CS.com site? I'm curious. And why would we care if our former member of this site posts anything?

I am offended that this story you tell us must be precluded by a $50 payment. Nonsense.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Paul is the GT/CS registrar, and is writing an expert book on the GT/CS - third in the series since his being the registrar for over 20 years.

I dont understand why people dont get why he remains an integral part of what we have to do and talk about when it comes to the GT/CS and this site. It makes no matter that he is not a member of this site. People have the right to know about other GT/CS activities.

ENOUGH PAUL BASHING! Just stop it! You are not bringing any value to this site by doing it - in fact you are hurting this site! Bashing others does nothing but make those who do it feel bigger and better than others. I have been quiet long enough, and am sick of it.

As my mother says, "If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all". That advice would serve this site well!



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Paul is the GT/CS registrar, and is writing an expert book on the GT/CS - third in the series since his being the registrar for over 20 years.

I dont understand why people dont get why he remains an integral part of what we have to do and talk about when it comes to the GT/CS and this site. It makes no matter that he is not a member of this site. People have the right to know about other GT/CS activities.

ENOUGH PAUL BASHING! Just stop it! You are not bringing any value to this site by doing it - in fact you are hurting this site! Bashing others does nothing but make those who do it feel bigger and better than others. I have been quiet long enough, and am sick of it.

As my mother says, "If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all". That advice would serve this site well!


Is that a request or a demand?

I agree that Paul bashing is not healthy for the site, but I assume your mother also taught you about "please" and "thank you".


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2003
Well said Casey...I'm with you. Yes, there have been delays with the book, but I believe there is light at the end of the tunnel, and what we'll see as the end result will be fantastic. Count your blessings everyone...........we're in this together.


Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
Ok, no PN bashing here, but I for one invested my hard earned money in two books with promises, promises, promises for an upcoming completion ongoing for I believe two years now. My wife asked me today about "those books we purchased" and why we had not received them. I had no answer for her because I've gotten no answer. So all I can do is complain. Don't I have a right to do that? I wouldn't consider an additional investment of $50 for a short read written by "the man", no how, no way.
I gotta "vent" somewhere and what better place than here with my "cronies". Delete this if you want Jon, but I've really had it up to my eyeballs.
Last edited:

John McGilvary

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
Paul is the GT/CS registrar, and is writing an expert book on the GT/CS - third in the series since his being the registrar for over 20 years.

I dont understand why people dont get why he remains an integral part of what we have to do and talk about when it comes to the GT/CS and this site. It makes no matter that he is not a member of this site. People have the right to know about other GT/CS activities.

ENOUGH PAUL BASHING! Just stop it! You are not bringing any value to this site by doing it - in fact you are hurting this site! Bashing others does nothing but make those who do it feel bigger and better than others. I have been quiet long enough, and am sick of it.

As my mother says, "If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all". That advice would serve this site well!


No BASHING here Casey, but when you put down your $$ and are told you will recieve a product (ie. Book) back in 05, you are due some consideration.
You supply all the information about your CS, as requested by the author.
And you are given many completion dates for the book, about one per year,
guys like me have a right to be conserned.

Just hope I live long enough to read the book, but, I guess my kids and grandkids may read it.


IMO, Pissed or not pissed, mad or not mad, hert or not hert, PN should post anything to do with the CS Book, on the CS site. " MAN UP DUDE "


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
John and Steve,

You guys have legitimate points. The book is overdue....for whatever legitimate reasons or excuses. I understand, and empathize, with your frustration on that point.

I agree Paul needs to put the "final brush strokes" on the artwork and release it. I am encouraging Paul almost daily to wrap it up and am even helping out with certain things, and he is getting there. I will keep pushing.

I dont control the release (to be clear), but I am trying to help.

Thank you for your thoughful and respectful responses. Casey


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
John and Steve,

You guys have legitimate points. The book is overdue....for whatever legitimate reasons or excuses. I understand, and empathize, with your frustration on that point.

I agree Paul needs to put the "final brush strokes" on the artwork and release it. I am encouraging Paul almost daily to wrap it up and am even helping out with certain things, and he is getting there. I will keep pushing.

I dont control the release (to be clear), but I am trying to help.

Thank you for your thoughful and respectful responses. Casey


I wanted to sincerely thank you for your "behind the scenes" support and encouragement you've been offering Paul ... I'm sure that the book will be well received once it's out there, and my experience has been that once a true, quality product is finally released, schedule and price concerns are secondary, and are then forgotten ... I believe we're in the final stretch, we just need to be a little more patient :smile: ...