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Cougars at July 16 Mecum Auction


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
I am pretty sure that the CJ convertible sold a year or two ago. Pretty sure I know the guy who restored this one.

That 1969 convertible has a 1970 radiator core support and hood latch.


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Yeah, nice cars for sure.

The Bronco is nice too, but the pics suggest it needs to be looked at closely. It appears to be a stock restoration at first glance, but has strange stuff like diamond plate panels on the rear lift gate (interior) and a 66 front bumper, but later rear bumper. Not to mention the aftermarket wheels and tires.

But then again, not too many people "restore" Broncos. They just fix them up to their own tastes.