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8 Track


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Thanks everyone for responding to the 8 Track question. It would be cool to have one of those in my GT/CS.

Casey, I have an AM/8 track I was going to send you, but I just checked it, and it appears to be out of a Falcon or something else. Unless the radio besel is different, I checked it against the stock 68 besel, and it doesn't match the face at all. the knob shafts are the same, but no fit. Anyone know if the besels are different. If they are, Casey, I would be glad to send it to you to try. I just don't have the correct besel. Mike

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Long live Southern Rock!!!
I had an 8 track player for my car...had it stashed behind the seat of my El Camino...then my Elkie burned up. :cry:

Ooohh I STILL have Innagaddadavida on a cassette and crank that puppy UP!


Active member
May 13, 2005
Wow - this thread has wandered all over the place!
Casey - My 8-track doesn't click or anything when I put a tape in, so perhaps it's not getting any power. I think I'll take it apart one more time this weekend and dig deeper. It would be fun to get the original player back up and running.
Electronics mystify me though, so I'm going to be out of my element.

Thanks for the input.



Here are a couple of sites for you 8-track audiophools...., er, I mean audiophiles!


(this is funny: "puzzled but happy-to-oblige relatives")

My Music? Do I hear another, slightly OT topic arising from this??
I never went for the hard rock stuff...I admit--mine has always been Moody Blues (& Justin Hayward), and an occasional ABBA song...Classical music, and I love movie soundtracks.

That explains a lot, now, huh?

Paul N.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
I still have mine and my older brother's 8-track collection ... now I just need to install one of those new fangled 8-track players in my CS :smile:

I know there is one Creedence one (greatest hits or something) where the song (Suzy Q I think) is so long, it spans 2 of the tracks. I remember the ka-chunk in the middle of the song when it would stop, change tracks, and continue.

My brother had a hump mounted Pioneer player in his Torino that slid out of the bracket so no one would steal it. I remember it had Fast Forward - that was advanced for an 8-track player!!

My cousin even had an 8-track recorder on her stereo.

I know I still have Houses of the Holy and other Led Zep, Uriah Heep, Humble Pie (Peter Frampton on guitar), Elton John, Pink Floyd (Dark Side of the Moon), Creedence, Moody Blues, Allman Brothers, etc ...

Do you remember when they used to get too tight and you would shake them up to loosen them? (mmm ... that didn't sound so good huh? that and hump mounted in the same post! :scared: :rolleyes: )


I remember seeing 8-track cartriges along the freeway, tossed out of the car, in anger at them jamming, or the music got so garbled...

You'd see the plastic case broken, and the tape all flying around, glistening in the sun....

..followed by a moment of silence for "the day the Music Died".

..bye bye miss American Pie....
