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Trying to find my old CS/GT


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2008
Chula Vista, CA
I am looking for one specific car. It was sold originally to my mother in 1968 whose name was typed in the Owner's Manual. It was sold to my grandmother and she drove it less than 1,000 miles a year for 20 years. I bought it from her when I was 17 and sunk a fortune into it. It was my primary mode of transportation so I didn't take the kind of care for it that I should have.

In any case, I am trying to find the VIN number or CA license plate number in some of my old records but I gave all of them to the buyer in 1991. It was sold in San Diego, California and was (I believe - it had been repainted by my grandmother) a Code F: Gulfstream Aqua with a Black Vinyl top and Black Interior. The engine was a 302 V8 4bbl with an Automatic Transmission. If anyone can help me find it or knows where it is, I would greatly appreciate it.



Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Bay Area\ SoCal
Thats a tough one. No old DMV records to grab the VIN or license? Insurance? Or auto shop that would have logged the VIN or license for repair? Tireshop etc?

If you had that you can ballpark it by checking where it got smogged last on CA GOV site. J code!

Im guessing no chance it was in the CS registry (on left side of web) under your family name?

Good luck!


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
There must be a picture floating around in your family somewhere with granny and her Mustang. Might show the license plate?

Post up her name, if the person that bought it or currently owns it would likely recognize the name. They very well could be on this site.

Good luck with the search.


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2008
Chula Vista, CA
The search continues

My mother's maiden name is Zinetta Townsend and my Grandmother's name was Clara Nassif.

I spoke to my Mom and she's trying to dig up and old picture of her when she first had the car, great idea HappyHour. She's got all the family pictures so I am hopeful she'll find at least one with the license plate.

I am going to head down to the DMV in the meantime and see if they will give me the VIN from my Registration History. Although they aren't known for being the most helpful people. I passed all the docs to the new owners when I sold it.

I called a couple of the places that serviced it and they didn't have digital records that went back that far (and didn't seem willing to look in the paper records). :mad:


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2008
Chula Vista, CA
Thanks for the head's up on the Aqua J-Code. Not the one I'm looking for but close. Similar color, same black vinyl top, 302 4bbl but not the one.

He and I have already spoken and I've seen his entire collection (7 GT/CS, 2 HCS, and 1 Sprint). Lots of work there but he seems dedicated and have no doubt that they'll all be running (and hopefully stopping) this year.