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1966-67 HCS My Fabulous fords forever registration is up for grabs free!!!

Bob G

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2008
Long Beach, CA
Well heres the scoup!! I have a four post lift in my garage. this morning I was working on my Mustang getting it ready for the show. When I pulled the cover offthe roof to wipe it down, low and behold Satins been in my garage.

A big nice crease in the middle of the roof. I can cry . My baby is all orginal paint. I left word with a friend of mine who is one of the top people in california who can pull rabbits out of his hat. I have seen him do it. As long as the paint is not cracked he can some time reverse the damage back to its orginal forum. I pray to God he can pull it off.

It is a very hard color to match and their are no blen spots to stop painting.

So saturday night I am bringing my registration with me. If someone you now was too late and wants to enter their Pony hers a free gift. I go as a spectator this year. PM me if you know of someone who can use this registration. I will be a Hof Hut for dinner with my wife on Saturday night will attached the registration to my stuff I am going to bring.

I am going to take a rest and try and put out of my mine.

Bob Geco


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002

That's horrible. What caused the crease? Was there something in the roof of your garage that the car got lifted into?

I know of two Bronco guys that are looking for a pass. CS.com members get first dibs of course, but if no one here needs it I'd be happy to coordinate getting it to one of the Bronco guys. Or does the pass list the type of car? Maybe it can't be used by a non-Mustang.
Bob G

Bob G

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2008
Long Beach, CA
Fabulose fords Forever Show registeration free!

Tell me who to give my registration too. I will be attending this Saturday nights dinner club meeting at Hoofs Hut in Buena Park at 7PM with my wife Sharon. if you like I will give you my home phone and cell number and you can have someone pick it up. at my home in long Beach. I will also bring the registrations for Knotts show and Edlebrock the following Sunday with me if you are their to give you.
The classis #45, however I am sure they may make an ajustment if you tell them what happened.

If at all possible can I please get the goody bag . I deserve it for my stupid mistake.
a badge of stupidy to remine me to think clearly before I act. I will be going into los Angeles on some business today and will be back this afternoon. I will leave the registration with my wife and word in case you or one of the chosen members call to pick it up.

Thank you for handling this I am glad it will go to someone in the club.
P.S. I am not counting on getting it fixed before the Edlebrock sshow the following Sunday, So I also have reegistration for that show as well. give it to one of one ofour deserving members please. have them contact me as well.
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Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
No one ever contacted me about needing a pass, so unless Bob found someone it's still up for grabs. The deadline obviously is fast approaching, but on the off chance someone still needs a pass please PM me tonight and we can work on getting it to you in the AM before the show.