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1968 Is this car good? Value ok? Swapped 68 gt cs with 5.0 efi


Active member
Dec 9, 2016

I've got the marti report and will be bidding on it. Is the body a real gt cs? Owner has sent me a marti report but no clear picture of the vins yet. What's this car worth w/o original motor needing paint and brakes?




Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Personally, I wouldn't bid any more than the current bid.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Rob is a bit of a modified guy, so he has a different take. I think this car would be a hoot to drive and will have the cold start manners of a modern car. Better mileage a bit more power than a standard J code 302. If you want great drivability and like to travel around, this would be a cool car.

The biggest thing is paint of course. We have a guy up her in the Bremerton area that would put a quality complete on this car in the $5k range. with that the rest of the small stuff can be done by a knowledgeable owner. If you do not have the talent to do some of this stuff yourself, be prepared to be in it for $20k to $25k with these items and the paint finished. $25k is a bit much for the car in my opinion, but in the high teen to $20k range it has some real potential IMO.

The real question is to have a knowledgeable third party look at this car. The ad says done right, but an inspection would reveal a lot. I have been around a lot of cars that look great, but need that final finishing in tuning, steering, braking, and overall drivability. A car ready to drive anywhere with a pleasant experience to be had. A third party with mechanical and body/paint knowledge.

All that said, Arlie is not far off. For me with the aces to this local painter, $15k would be my final offer. And I have the ability to finish the other stuff.

Or you can have Neil build one for you!!! His cars are second to none, but he may not do it much longer!!



Active member
Dec 9, 2016
Thanks, I am also thinking the same thing about the value, as long as it stays under 20K I think I am golden. The downsides I am seeing is there is no heat or AC in this car and obviously the paint. I spoke to the owner and he's had the car for 8 years and is simply switching over to working on a fast back he owns instead of finishing this car. The auction ends in in a few hours, I also need to deal with getting it shipped home in MD which will add costs to it. I am concerned because there is simply no time to have anyone check it out and I also don't know anyone in Monterey, CA who could do this for me.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
$20K At that price you'll be waay upside down in cost versus value.
$ 1K shipping (CA to MD)
$ 5K paint (minimum. $8K more likely)
$ 1K interior
$ 1.2K A/C & Heat

I'd 'guesstimate' you'd be crowding $30K when done.



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Elgin, IL
I kind of dig the ratty paint! I'd drive it like that for a while. Just buy a giant super charger for the motor. The heck with paint! It doesn't need to look good, just go fast. But I agree based on my own experiences you're talking a $30K car easily. I would take a look at the frame and see what boogie men hide there first. By the time I get my frame work done and painted I'll probably be at break even. Then again I didn't buy it now to make a profit. Always wanted one and plan on having it for a really long time. If that's your goal then don't worry about the costs.