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1968 Good news / Bad news from the 2011 Recognition Guide


Active member
Feb 16, 2010
I ordered mine through Paul last summer and have yet to recieve it. I emailed him yesterday asking if it was shipped out and he stated he is shipping books daily and all will be shipped out shortly.



Well-known member
Dec 26, 2006
I ordered mine years ago, when he first started taking orders. My 3 books showed up today in the mail. But I never recieved any of the numbers I requested, I got # 368-369-370. Oh well, didn't expect it. Nice book though. All my information was correct.


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2002
Folsom, CA
Day 37, still no books. Anyone know how to reach PMN, other than the snail mail address? I am about 115 miles away, so they should have arrived by now....
Robert :confused:


Mar 11, 2005
USPS Shipping news. While at the post office yesterday, shipping an item across the US, the USPS employee said USPS has teamed up with FedEx to save money. She said this new shipping merger with FedEx has delayed the shipping by 1 to 3 days form the past EST.

This maybe one of the reasons for late shipping, BUT not all of the reasons. I had to Email PN 3 times to get a faster response. If I remember there were close to 1000 preordered books, which I’m sure are generating allot of email to PN

Mark Puls

Well-known member
Aug 2, 2006
Maumee, Ohio
Just e-mailed ...I will see if I get a response. Haven't received mine in Ohio and read that someone had received theirs in the Phillipines. A bit frustrated since I prepaid and think I probably could have bought one on ebay or from Branda and had it in my hands already.



Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
Well, you can email him, but brace yourself for a response. Here's my email and Paul's response to it. Nice guy eh?

> Paul,
> I see that you are fulfilling orders for the book. I noticed too that
> many have received their books and some have ordered and received
> books from Branda. I, however have not received my order of two books.
> As you know, mine was an early order. Don't you think fulfilling those
> early orders should have taken first priority?
> Please advise when my order will be completed.
> Thank you,
> Steve Perkins

Hi Steve,

I can't say that I like your accusatory tone in your email. Who I sell books to at wholesale, as well as early promotional copies is nobody's business.

The early orders have been sent out, and in fact your two copies are prepared and are being sent out tomorrow or Thursday at the latest.

They will be sent via "Media Mail" and to Minnesota, they might take a week or ten days to get to you.


And by the way, I don't live in MN, I live in MO. :)


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
I have bit my tongue on the bashing thing but I can't stand it any longer.


The people who preordered the books and paid in full YEARS ago should have been the first books that were sent out. I was one of these people and had to email you to see if my books were sent out, when I emailed you stated you would send them out the next day. Branda had retail books for sale and delivered BEFORE a person (me) that paid for them YEARS ago got mine. This is beyond poor judgement. You deserve every negative comment about the book taking so long and any attitude concerning what is right and wrong about this whole process.

If you ever decide to do another book (highly doubtful as I can see you are looking to get out) I WILL NOT preorder one and most likely will not ever buy one.

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...Folks, It's not bashing. For some, speaking out is a way of keeping our own pride and sanity in what we do.

His attitude toward me five years ago (when I dared to question him) is why there are six well-documented CS cars NOT in his registry! Seven if you count Renee's.

Some of us grew tired of being treated as "criminal" for doing the very things we love without his self-appointed approval and have dealt with his back-door backlash for a long time! Sadly, This too has been part of the "history"......>

Nonetheless, I bought a book from Branda which arrived in three days. 'Got their huge (free) catalog too ;-)


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
...Folks, It's not bashing. For some, speaking out is a way of keeping our own pride and sanity in what we do.

His attitude toward me five years ago (when I dared to question him) is why there are six well-documented CS cars NOT in his registry! Seven if you count Renee's.

Some of us grew tired of being treated as "criminal" for doing the very things we love without his self-appointed approval and have dealt with his back-door backlash for a long time! Sadly, This too has been part of the "history"......>

Nonetheless, I bought a book from Branda which arrived in three days. 'Got their huge (free) catalog too ;-)

My Marti documented car that was in the first two publications is also not in the new book, at my own request I'll add because of the attitude of the author and how he VERY UNJUSTLY treated the very people that could have made him an icon in the CS world.

Through all of this from upmteen years ago there has been nobody, not a single soul that was trying to steal his glory, just people trying to help yet he couldn't see past his own ignorance to recognize that and share in the discovery, it had to be ALL his due to his perception of someone trying to steal his glory. I too bought a book from Branda, quick, painless, some perks along with the book and best of all NO DEALING with PMN.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
I love the folks on this website. Living in the East (NC), I've had the opportunity to fly out west a few times and meet personally,many, many people that contribute fun, knowledge, info (and opinions) here.
My first trip was to Mike & Robinette Jewel's for an all day gathering of CS & HCS enthusiasts. Second trip was the 40th Anniversary @ Galpin Ford & Knott's Berry where I met MORE good folks, where Donna picked me up at LAX and took me to the hotel at Knotts. (I also got to ride in Bob Teets' 428 HCS on the LA Freeway. What a hoot!) Third trip was to Tim's in Grass Valley for the gathering & book signing for the book that Cory did. MORE good folks, and a great visit. My last trip, last summer was to Seattle for the big Mustang show. Amy picked up Peggy & me @ the airport and drove us to the hotel. Rob had a super cookout at his place for the whole gang, plus a boatride on his "private" lake. Met MORE good folks including a few of our Canadian cousins. I have been blessed with meeting good people that enjoy our hobby. They (we) are all members of this website.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, we all strongly believe in the idea of supporting & encouraging the hobby not only for our own enjoyment, but to preserve these unique cars for the future. As the cliche' says: "Different strokes for different folks."
I truly don't read a lot of negativity in some of the comments written here (some, yes), but I do read a lot of truth (and opinions) offered to support the longevity of our hobby.
I'm sorry that I too had a falling out with Paul Newitt a couple years ago (because I questioned the lengthy time to publish his book), but in all fairness Paul devoted a lot of time to compile the info in it. It is a GOOD book. I only wish it contained more of the inputs that were available from knowledgable owners from this site.
OK Neil. Time to step down from your soapbox! I wish all, Good health & Good times.


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I have to agree! All we wanted to do was help. And the book would have been better for it. Jason offered to fund the whole darn thing. The personality and the demeanor of the author spoiled his effort. The funny thing is the the fact that he is of a “make up” that cannot trust people nor tolerate people who he feels are a threat to his knowledge. How sad. All we wanted to do was help. This site was his treasure trove. And he could not see that we had no other motive but to search for the facts and further the hobby. He has helped our hobby so much, but at the same time alienated himself from the people that he did this for. He feels it was a few people on the site, but in reality it has always been him, and he did it to himself. That is truly sad.


frank s

Well-known member
May 31, 2009
San Diego CA USA
I had a client who complained that every time - every time - he had contact with the police, even for no infraction, just information, they ended up wrestling him to the ground and hand-cuffing him.

He never took the message from my pointing out to him that there were people in contact with the same police for many of the same reasons, who never - ever - found themselves on the ground.

Some people are just stuck. More to be pitied than censured.

I suppose I've just sealed the fate of my copy of the book, guaranteed late- or non-delivery assured, eh?

Come to think of it, when will I learn to keep my mouth shut?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
Someone pointed this out to me.....

In the registry it shows I own 3 S codes, 2 R codes and at least 1 C code.


When I sent my Marti's in at that time I owned the C code and one S code 157561. All the others I had Marti's for and sent the Marti's in just so they would be included in the book. I would love to say I owned all of those cars but I don't.


Active member
Apr 11, 2004
Long Island, NY
OK, I have been watching this thread for a while now and have been avoiding jumping into this whole book thing. However, I did place an order for my copy last week. I am not expecting to get it for at least a few weeks (and I'm OK with that). I am curious however, if my car made it into the registry. I understand that some cars did not make it. If any of you have received your book and wouldn't mind taking a look for me.....my VIN is 8R01C148539. The curiosity is killing me.


Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
OK, I have been watching this thread for a while now and have been avoiding jumping into this whole book thing. However, I did place an order for my copy last week. I am not expecting to get it for at least a few weeks (and I'm OK with that). I am curious however, if my car made it into the registry. I understand that some cars did not make it. If any of you have received your book and wouldn't mind taking a look for me.....my VIN is 8R01C148539. The curiosity is killing me.


65B D 5H 07C 72 5 W
Owner unknown...


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
65B D 5H 07C 72 5 W
Owner unknown...

That VIN number is incorrectly listed in the 2011 registry. :tongue:
cannetny posted the Marti report on another thread and the actual data plate information reads:

65B D 5U 07C 71 5 5