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1966-67 HCS Aaca


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Gettysburg, Pa.
While at the Hershey AACA show this past Oct. I was nominated for the AACA National Award. They notified me this Month that I didn't win. Our of 3.500 shown at the AACA shows this year only 320 vehicles were nominated for the National Award. They still want me to apply for the award next year. While I'm at it I might say that the Museun at Hershey wants to show my HCS for the 50th anniversary.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
That's great Tom! Congratulations!

For anyone that hasn't had the opportunity to see Tom's car it's beautiful!

I've have seen it on numerous occasions and marvel at it each time. It's become my source to photograph how things should look!

Congrats again and well deserved!