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The New Registry Book: Which type of binding?



This is one of those questions that I should/could make on my own, but I wanted to know from a "consumer" side, which type of edge binding you'd like to see on the new book. It looks like it should be 150-180 pages long.

Would you prefer:

1. "Perfect" binding; like the 1988 book, common on softcover books ?

2. "Coil" binding; like the 1996 edition. Like a report, with a black metal or plastic coil that winds through lots of holes?

3. "Hardbound". Like coffee table books?

Also--as a side note, I'm looking into getting book slipcases. Like a classy box for the book. What do you think of that? This would make for a very impressive book for your GT/CS (HCS) on your bookshelf. This would make it one of the best-looking books for a Mustang anywhere.

Thanks for your input,
Paul N.

our special

Well-known member
Nov 25, 2002
Newfoundland Canada
PNewitt said:
This is one of those questions that I should/could make on my own, but I wanted to know from a "consumer" side, which type of edge binding you'd like to see on the new book. It looks like it should be 150-180 pages long.

Would you prefer:

1. "Perfect" binding; like the 1988 book, common on softcover books ?

2. "Coil" binding; like the 1996 edition. Like a report, with a black metal or plastic coil that winds through lots of holes?

3. "Hardbound". Like coffee table books?

Also--as a side note, I'm looking into getting book slipcases. Like a classy box for the book. What do you think of that? This would make for a very impressive book for your GT/CS (HCS) on your bookshelf. This would make it one of the best-looking books for a Mustang anywhere.

Thanks for your input,
Paul N.

Paul, my preference would be options #1 & #3 with # 3 being 1st.
Personally I'm not fond of the coil binding, but I'll go with the majority.
The slip cases would be a nice touch.



Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Hardbound is my vote - It has the feel of quality and is on par with other books of similar importance. My coil bound 96 version is starting to fall apart. Casey


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
I'd go with #2 - Coil. My 88 edition glue is coming apart and allowing pages to come loose. I've got to find a book store that can hopefully repair it. :cry: 2nd choice would be #3 - hardbound. But, any book that is used will eventually start to come apart on you. Even my Ford Shop manuals are starting to do that.



There is the possibility of people that like a coiled binding (it lays flat, to look at things like concours restoration notes)--could buy a Perfect bound book, and have it cut off, and the coil added, at Kinko's.

I've seen people take the '88 book, with the decaying binding, and pull out all the pages, and put them into clear plastic sleeves, in a 3-ring binder.

Hmmm...I still need some more ideas and responses, but I do appreciate the quick comments so far. You guys are great! (been drinking eggnog???)

Paul N.
p.s. I'm going to try and get ALL the hardware identified, and ALL the underside detailing, and paint marks. "Stock" '68 Mustang people will be coming to us for (San Jose cars') concours info! LOL.

There is no reason why we, as a group, can't have the best, most accurate and best performing classic Mustangs out there. My book will take you there, with knowledge, saavy, and lots of class.


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
I'd vote against coil. My '96 version has many pages that have ripped loose. However, there's really no binding choice you could make that would make me not buy a few copies. :grin:

Not to cause more work for you Paul, but maybe the printer could leave some copies loose for you. That way people could bind them if they want or keep them in notebooks.

On second thought, that might make it too easy for people to make extra copies.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
I vote for hardbound with a case. I think it would make them look classy. I can`t remember if its been mentioned before but, will there be a poster with the book? It would be nice to have a collage of different colored GT/CS`s and HCS`s on a big poster.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Perfect binding would be my first choice over hardcover. My books travel with me to all the car shows and are displayed. It seems like the coil binding is always coming apart since it gets bounced around in the trunk and viewed a lot by car show spectators and judges. I've had to repair it a few times. So, whichever is the most durable.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I would vote for hardcover but like the idea of having it on CD or DVD also, so I could print out something and take it out to the shop if I needed it. Is it possible to have two versions, kind of like standard and deluxe, where the more expensive one gets the disc also? Maybe do standard with one of the first two bindings and deluxe be hardcover with a disc?


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003

I have 3 of your 1988 books, 1 is falling apart because of over use, 1 is just for casual reading and 1 has never been opened. I have 2 of your 1996 books, 1 has been well used and is still intact the other again has never been opened. The 96 is great for laying flat, but doesn't make a good presentation at shows. So I guess I would vote for the hardbound version with the cover that I can show off with the car. Since the 40th anniversary is coming up we need something that will show just how special these cars are. When my restoration is finished Jim Smart with Mustang Monthly is going to come out for a photo shoot for the magazine and I would like to have a beautiful new book to show off as well.

Happy Holidays!
Last edited:


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Paul, I like the hardbound idea with the slip cover, and Rhonda's idea of a poster is a nice touch. I realize you want to keep cost down, but what about a "Limited SPECIAL Edition" with hardbound, slip cover and poster. and some in "Perfect" binding, I like your Model Railroad book cover and binding. I you decide to do both, put me down for five copies of the hardbound and three of the perfect book. in any event, I want at least five copies. Mike


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
My vote is for the hardbound with coil as a second.
I think your sleeve box is a nice idea also.
On Arlies electronic idea, I have come across adobe acrobat files that I was unable to save to my computer or open in an editor. I don't know what the encription was but I can find out for you if you are interested.
I also think this is a great idea. It would be really nice to be able to print the page you need to take to the shop rather than thumbing through your book with greasy fingers.
Yes, I have plenty of these types of books, but I will admit it.... I am a computer geek.
Whatever you decide is thumbs up with me.
Cheers and appreciate all your hard work.