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1968 Repairs

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
From my experience looking at 1st gen Mustangs it seems the older they were the more they stamped. I have seen 65/66 Mustangs with five stamps. One visible and 4 under the fender "flange" stamped in all 4 inner fender panels. I haves seen a couple with multiple "trys" on one inner panel. Practicing I guess.

Our current 67 has one visible in the normal left front inner panel and two on the right side front and back inner panel. Our 68 GT/CS has one left front and one right front, both covered.

I love walking around a car and looking at the various date codes on the sheetmetal. They tell a story about the car. Owners are surprised when you tell them within a couple weeks what date code is on there door VIN plate!

I will have to post my latest oil pump story so all can few stupidity in action....


Mark Puls

Well-known member
Aug 2, 2006
Maumee, Ohio

That is some good advice!!!

I think I had my shelby rims on and off about 4 times before I noticed that fact. Luckily I'm still in the resto phase and only took trips around the block and none at high speeds.
