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1968 K Marti FAQ's


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
I was reading through the frequently asked questions at Kevin Marti's site.
Found this about our cars:
I have a High Country Special. How come my report says it is a California Special?

Actually your report should list both California Special and High Country Special as options. This is because Ford built the High Country Specials from the basic California Special option. In fact, if you had the original window sticker, it would list the California Special option and would not even make mention of the High Country Special package. This is just another example of how special production models were coded for build. Some special packages are not mentioned on the window sticker, like the 1968 High Country Special or the 1968 Gold Nugget Special.


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Actually your report should list both California Special and High Country Special as options.
Not sure about the newer reports, but the older ones did not list the HCS, just the GT/CS package. http://californiaspecial.com/forums/showthread.php?p=74085&highlight=marti#post74085

I'm not sure if Kevin would re-issue an older report to correctly show the car as an HCS. Has anyone asked?

Anyway, ultimately if the DSO is a 51 and the Marti Report confirms it's a California Special then it's actually a High Country Special.