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GT/CS Appraisal


Oct 10, 2002
Sorry, about the scratches, some people are ''DUH, I'm stupid'' and don't have a clue.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
It's amazing just how inconsiderate some people can be. I actually had one person with a camera wrapped around his neck and never even thought before he leaned over to look in the car and guess what (Bang). Needless to say I wan't a happy camper. :mad: Then there are those who just don't think - cell phone dangling from their pocket or the occassional lady with her purse. ??? The one's I really don't understand are those who bring their kids to a show and just let them run wild. I actually had to pull one kid out of my car. Guess he thought it was alright to just open the door and hop in. When I finally got his mom's attention she didn't see what the problem was. ??? When I asked her if she could afford to pay for something if he damaged it she had a whole different outlook.



Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
$32,000 for a j code with air? Now you know why the NADA book isn't worth the paper it's printed on. My friend Jim bought a 1967 Shelby GT350 last year for $38,000. It has a 289 hipo, 4 speed, and is all original. I wonder if he'll trade me for my GT/CS and some magic beans? or maybe I should just hold on to my car for a few more years, it should be worth a gazillion dollars by then. At least the NADA book will say so.

BTW, those 3 printings NADA does per year are actually an attempt to increase their revenue.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
That and a few other incidents are why I don't go to car shows very often anymore. Between the politics (Joe helps out at every show but never wins a trophy because his car is ugly, lets give him one today-actually overheard some judges say this), the risk of damage, and sitting there all day when I could be driving/rafting/restoring, etc. has led me to do more cruises than shows.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
[quote author==MUSTANG= link=board=1;threadid=1295;start=15#msg7812 date=1106667747]
$32,000 for a j code with air? Now you know why the NADA book isn't worth the paper it's printed on. My friend Jim bought a 1967 Shelby GT350 last year for $38,000. It has a 289 hipo, 4 speed, and is all original. I wonder if he'll trade me for my GT/CS and some magic beans? or maybe I should just hold on to my car for a few more years, it should be worth a gazillion dollars by then. At least the NADA book will say so.

BTW, those 3 printings NADA does per year are actually an attempt to increase their revenue.

Please, if anyone sees a 67/68 GT350 for sale for $45,000 or less contact me I am a buyer.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
[quote author==MUSTANG= link=board=1;threadid=1295;start=15#msg7812 date=1106667747]
$32,000 for a j code with air? Now you know why the NADA book isn't worth the paper it's printed on. My friend Jim bought a 1967 Shelby GT350 last year for $38,000. It has a 289 hipo, 4 speed, and is all original. I wonder if he'll trade me for my GT/CS and some magic beans? or maybe I should just hold on to my car for a few more years, it should be worth a gazillion dollars by then. At least the NADA book will say so.

BTW, those 3 printings NADA does per year are actually an attempt to increase their revenue.

You hit the nail on the head. When NADA list a "J" Code for the same price as my "S" code with 4 speed guess which car I'll take. Not saying a "J" code isn't a good purchase but, for that kind of money I'll take the BIG BLOCK everytime. That's why I can't understand those folks who get their cars appraised and think automatically that that's what the car should sell for. It all comes back to supply and demand. But, it is nice to still see the prices going up somewhere. The odd thing is they don't even list the "C" code motor but, they list the 429 which didn't even come with the CS at all.



Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002

It is nice to see our car values go up, but I like to keep this tempered with a dose of reality, sometimes with a hint of smartass. BTW, I would love to have your S code, 4 speed in my car, it's mildly hopped up 289 with an auto will still be fun though.


That was an exceptional purchase, even Jim said he couldn't believe how lucky he got. The car is not concours but it is worth every penny of $45,000.00


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
I hear ya. To me any Mustang is fun to drive. I remember some of the small blocks I've had in the past and even those were a blast to drive. I hated to sell my 91 LX 5.0 but, hopefully someday I'll have another one. I wonder how many folks from this site plan plan on going to the MCA Grand Nationals in Youngstown, Ohio in Sep 05. Would be nice for all the GT/CS folks to get together.

Don ;D


I don't disagree with the NADA values, but it should be pointed out that the collector car value folks use recent auctions for particular cars to work the numbers in their guides.

If someone pays $40K for a GT/CS that they must have, then it "skews" the numbers for everyone else. This happened to the Shelbys in the late 1980's when foreign investors bought up muscle cars and Cadillacs--and it greatly inflated prices! It was nuts!

There are relatively few GT/CS cars to get a real average of value.

True value is only as good as who wants it--and how badly. Someone might have had a deluxe bench seat 6 cylinder, red CS in '68, and has to have one and paid $50K, and guess what? We're all looking for THAT car, despite, say, a 390 4speed's true value. Go figure.

It's 80% specuation, and it's VERY subjective.

Paul N.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Flagstaff, AZ
Well folks, after watching the latest Barrett-Jackson auction in Scottsdale on the Speed channel, it appears the prices of classic Mustangs, and specifically Shelby's, Bosses, and other speciality models (including our CS/HCS) are going to skyrocket. Watching most Mustangs go for six figures at the B-J auction was really astounding!! I guess only time will tell, but don't be suprised if a high quality CS/HCS brings 40K very soon. (I'm not sure what will happen to our appraisals then.)

Just my thoughts.
