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Goodbye Website, from MrShelbyDallas

Jun 21, 2003
Here is what the Admin e-mailed me. I will keep posting it if is removed, because I think all should see this. If Jon sent this, it shouldn't be removed if he isn't embarrased.


I think it's time you found a new Mustang web site to frequent. I've thought about this for a while and it simply boils down to the fact that I don't enjoy dealing with the headaches that your posts and attitude create on the forum.

Call it elitist or censorship if you like, but it's my decision and I'm asking that you no longer participate on the site. I'm sure you can find several other Mustang forums to join.

Thank you.

Jon Hanna

I think that a lot of the people causing the problems are assholes wanting to hoard this hobby. That being so, I can assure you, my contributions won't be noticed under the mrshelbydallas SN anymore. Goodbye, only from mrshelbydallas SN, and from the familiar IP. Hello from a unfamiliar IP and SN ;D So if its games you want to play, then games we must play.


Well-known member
May 21, 2003
Hey man just give up. You really do Irritate some people a whole lot sometimes its just not worth the fight anymore. This isnt an assualt on your behalf this is just my 2 cents alright? Please dont take it the wrong way it would just be better if everyone got along instead of trying to show off whos better I am in no way saying this is only YOUR fault I have been a jerk on the forums too and I apologize but it needs to end ok? Jon will know your new SN's either way too they are logged by IPs so he'll know its you even though we probably wont.

See ya around MSD.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
shelbydallas, do everyone a favor and buy a chevy. You are arrogant and annoying and this web site will be much more pleasant without your posts. You are so mature trying to sneak into this site, since you are the actual "asshole" we will all know it is you anyway, poor attitudes are easy to spot.


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
[quote author=mrshelbydallas link=board=1;threadid=710;start=0#msg3841 date=1070219814]Hello from a unfamiliar IP and SN ;D So if its games you want to play, then games we must play.
You're the only one who wants to play games. The fact that you would try to sneak back in after you've been asked to leave only further justifies my decision.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Flagstaff, AZ

I want you to know that I totally support your actions with the individual in question. I think you do a fine job with the website, and I know how difficult it is to maintain a quality site. Keep up the good work!


66 Dearborn HCS

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2003
[quote author=mrshelbydallas link=board=1;threadid=710;start=0#msg3841 date=1070219814]
Here is what the Admin e-mailed me. I will keep posting it if is removed, because I think all should see this. If Jon sent this, it shouldn't be removed if he isn't embarrased.
That being so, I can assure you, my contributions won't be noticed under the mrshelbydallas SN anymore. Goodbye, only from mrshelbydallas SN, and from the familiar IP. Hello from a unfamiliar IP and SN ;D So if its games you want to play, then games we must play.

Reposting a private email in public without consent of the original sender is a HUGE violation of common netiquette rules. Just shows what kind of person mrshelbydallas is. :mad:
Don't go away mad, just go away. And don't bother trying to come in under any other names. Your IP is easily tracked for those who know how, and besides, we'll still smell the stink. The smell ALWAYS follows the skunk. :-X
I'm not saying another word on the subject. 8)


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
Well I am definitely glad to see that the time has finally arrived for mrshelbydallas to hit the road with four flat tires. Your first mistake was taking on Paul Newitt and trying to sharpshoot him. You know mrshelbydallas, the webmaster was trying to be very professional with you by sending you a private email. Obviously you are showing your fangs by posting the email he sent you explaining his decision. Take it like a man and quit your pining to others on this web site. Are you trying to rally some mrshelbydallas clones? With all of your infinite wisdom, you know that all the webmaster has to do is just block all of your posts. Really, you are and continue to make yourself look like a schmuck. Kudo’s to the webmaster for taking a stand and thanks for a great Mustang GT/CS site.


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2002
Hayes, Virginia
I had actually decided not to comment on this thread, but the more I thought about it, the more important it became. Personally, I think Kevin is getting a raw deal here. That does not mean that I agree with everything he has posted, thats certainly not the point. But guys, whats going to happen if we kick folks out that we disagree with? I think thats the epitome of the internet, you get to hear other viewpoints. There are no sacred cows here, Paul included...(sorry Paul, just trying to make a point....:) ) and so what if Kevin posts contraversal information?? Agree, disagree, thats the magic of bulletin boards like this. Jon, I do support YOUR decision as the webmaster to take whatever action you feel is necessary, of course, since this is your house and we are only visitors. But could everyone take a step backwards and think about the precedent we are setting? I love this site, but do you all feel that I should find another as well, since I disagree with the "piling on" that Kevin is getting?? Thanks for your time.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002

I do not disagree with what shelbydallas says, it is the tone in which he says it. Any disrespectful, arrogant individual who would act that way in front of my friends would be asked to leave my house or remove himself from the group. This is what was asked of shelbydallas and rightly so, being considerate of others in a setting such as this is not a tall task. It is nice that you disagree with the actions taken by the admin, but please notice you did it without being a dickhead. shelbydallas apparantly isn't capable of the same decorum.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2002
i had decided long ago not to respond or comment on any of the threads that had been infected with the constant negative comments made by mrshelbydallas, until now. did anyone else on this sight happen to see the disgusting, degrading, immature post that was quickly removed (by admin.) from the "living with a fake- pg. 3" on saturday night? i couldn't believe what i was reading. THIS IS THE REASON WHY WE NEED SOMEONE TO POLICE THIS SIGHT AND THIS IS THE REASON WHY MRSHELBYDALLAS IS NO LONGER WITH US!!!! THANKS AGAIN JON!


66 Dearborn HCS

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2003
We need to all remember that this is NOT USENET and this is a website that doesn't belong to us. In essence we are talking in someone elses house. We all agree to behave or get booted. He didn't behave, so he was booted. What he really did here was the equivalant of taking a dump in somebody elses pool, but that is neither here nor there at this point. He's gone and that's that.


Nov 30, 2003
I've been watchin this site for a long time. mrshelydallas kept this site interesting by posting ideas that interested a lot of us. I'm not saying that jon shouldn't do what he wants with his site, but I would have to agree with racingfan. mrshelbydallas did get the raw end of the deal, and i think was treated unfairly. I never saw him cut anyone down. I e-mailed him privately, and he was very helpful. I personally can't blame someone for thinking differently, but I can blame you guys for the ridiculous posts that are still going up. These seem to be from the same group that argued with everything he tried to say. It doesn't really matter to me what happens, but I think that you guys are really acting like children.


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Racingfan, I understand your point, but I didn't ask him to leave because he disagreed with people. I don't have a problem with healthy debate at all. It was his antagonistic attitude and the negative way he treated others, in addition to some things behind the scenes which I won't go into.

I also agree with taylorHCS that there’s really not much point to bashing him. Since he is no longer here to defend himself it's not fair to continue discussing it. So I'm going to ask that we close this thread now and move on to other topics.


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2002
Kaysville, UT
I agree with Jon's decision as well as racingfan's and others who have defended him. I think it is sad when anyone gets booted. I think it is sad that many of us just didn't ignore him.

However, with that said, if someone was at my house and swearing profusely (example only) I would ask them to stop or leave and I think that Jon has done that. The bashes AND retorts made this site less fun to visit. The easiest solution is to remove one weed than dig up the whole garden.

Best regards,
