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1968 Chasing a wire :-(


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
Problem: The left rear T/S light(s) and the hood left T/S don't flash.
Right rear T/S & Right hood T/S OK)
Both front (L&R) T/S lights work OK.
T/S switch, flasher, front T/S light, dash T/S light all work. I checked both sides of the T/S switch connector, and have the interrupted 12V from the flasher when left turn is selected.

I have no power to the Green/Orange stripe (#9) wire @ the tail light connector. I pricked the wire forward of the 3 way splice for the 3 light bulbs. No power. According to the wiring diagram (2-E7) the wire goes forward to a 14401 connector.

My question: is this connector the one behind the instrument cluster? Several connectors seem to have the nomenclature of 14401.



Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Neil, it should be in a group of (two?) connectors for the wiring that goes under your driver side sill plate. Comes out somewhere to the left of the E-brake handle.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
ditto. connection behind and up high behind the left front kick panel. Good luck if it is between........


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
I found the problem.
I had the pulsating 12V @ the T/S connector, but not @ the next connector (14401), meaning an open wire between the 2 connectors. Since the open wire is in the wrapped harness, I'm just going to run a 'jumper' wire from one connector to the other. That should take care of it.
Thanks for steering me to the connector (located at the upper left area of the driver's kick panel.) (A PITA, standing on one's head for access!!)



Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
Turn signal circuits are now OK.
On to the next problem: No brake lights. I'm afraid the new T/S switch is at fault. I traced the power from the source (H/L switch), thru the brake light switch, thru the T/S switch connector. All OK. So I know I have power TO the T/S, but not coming out for the brake lights. :-( I've read a lot of comments as to faulty new T/S switches, so I'll open this one up and see if I can fix it internally.
Does anyone manufacture a reliable unit nowadays?
(I gave away a NOS Ford switch a few years ago.:rolleyes:)



Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Neil I have a old 68 column that has a good turn switch in it so to test I lay it on the floor and plug it in to check. I see NOS switches on ebay from time to time. I think they are the best. If you get a repop I would change the tail lights to LED to lighten the load on the switch and extend its life. I have never heard of any one having much luck in reparing a switch that lasted for very long. It is not a job I would want to have to do again in a month or two. Best of luck. Marty


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Neil, Marty is giving you good advice about the LED tail lights. Even NOS Ford turn signal switches do not last too long on a CS because of the extra load from the added brake and turn signal lights. I have a swing away wheel and the NOS TS switches for it are expensive and sometimes not easilly available. Aso got tired of the headlights dimming while stopped with a turn signal flashing. Purchased a set of LED tail lights from a company in in Texas and have been very happy with both the life of the turn signal and brake light switch as well as the added brightness of the lights and the safety associated with being seen clearly at night as well as in the daytime. Your turn signal switch will be glad if you lessen the load it if forced to carry with the CS tail light arrangement.