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Building a car with your daughter?

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
I know that Paul (PFSlim) and Tim (Midnight Special) build and share cars with their sons, but does anyone have a daughter that is learning about cars side by side with dear old Dad? Or even :::::::GASP!::::::: a wife?
(Oh no disrespect Beth and CJ!...wasn't it her brand new car in 1968?) :grin:

The females are a tad outnumbered here so I was just curious about the involvement of daughters especially. I know that I was always a tomboy and self taught. But I am mostly wondering about the building and restoration of a project car, doesn't have to be a CS or HCS. Or are there any future plans for you to teach your daughters how to play with cars?

Have you at least taught them how to check the fluids, air up tires properly and be able to change a flat tire? Do they have their doors locked when they are driving? Do they know what to do (steering and how to brake) when a tire blows?

Donna needs to know! :grin:


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2006
Sacramento, CA
Well, I'm kinda on the other side of this, My dad taught me how the check the oil, and I even helped my dad put in a radiator in my Saturn in 111 degree heat! Yeah, I am taken classes in Automotive right now :)) and really like it, I know that I have always watched my dad work on the cars that We had.. and there has been a few cars.. My Dad taught me to drive standard - But, My sister has never learned how to check the oil, or do any of the things that I have done... She doesn't even know how to drive standard.. I know that some girls don't even know anything about cars.. But, I do and I love cars.. Oh, and If I had any kids (or a daughter), I would teach them about cars..



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Donna, if I had had a daughter, I would have had her in the shop with me as well. One of my favorite memories is when my 3 year old son removed and replaced my sill plate by himself, correctly, on my '72 Mach 1. I can't imagine it being any less of a memory if it was a daughter. My girlfriend sometimes comes out and watches me work and asks questions, unless I'm welding, grinding or painting. She will even hold parts in place but doesn't have an interest in twisting wrenches. She can "talk shop" with the best of them though.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2004
My daughter Danielle loves the car. She helps now and then but really is not into working on it like I am. But then too my son Justin does not really like working on it either, he also just likes claiming it as his.

However, my father is the one who taught me and has been instrumental in the restoration of my GT/CS. Without him there is no way my car would look or run the way she does, I guess that should be did.

Danielle is not old enough to drive yet, but when she is she will have to change tires and know basic car stuff before she will be allowed to drive.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
Very interesting post and has some merit. I have a daughter who is 11 and another son who is 7. My daughter is more into sports than my son Zach. Sports in my family is kindof my deal as well. I head coach my daughters softball team and help her with basketball and sailing.

Now, I realize this is not cars. However, I think every kid is different. They have different interests. Therefore, I try to latch on to whatever interest they have (and in the short time that I have when I am not traveling) and participate as much as I can. This also allows for that "father-son" or "father-daughter" much needed time. It is so difficult to find and maintain that you sometimes have to search for the path of least resistance and participate in the activity your son or daughter has chosen as "their activity".

Would I mind if my daughter came out for some car maintenance. NO. I would love it. But thus far, she has enjoyed riding in the car much more than working on it. And, with her schedule thus far, there has not been that much time.

Anyway, just some thoughts. Good thread Donna!!



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2005
I have tried to interest my daughter in working on the various car projects. I always enjoyed working with Dad with whatever he was doing. She has told me in no uncertain terms "working on cars is boring". So as a result most of my free time is spent doing what she enjoys. I will have plenty of time to do the car thing when she is off and gone.
I will make sure when she leaves the nest she knows basic maintance,
how an engine works, how things go together, how to change a tire, etc. I try to give a little instruction now and then about basic stuff. Hope at least some of it takes.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
I've got 2 girls 7 and 10. I don't do much of the work on our car except keep it clean, but they sure know their facts about the CS! Just today I picked up my 7 year old and a friend of hers in the CS. She goes on and on about how special the car is, less than 4,000 made, etc. She even has an opinion on the new ones..not to offend anyone who has one, but she thinks they are not as 'special'. Both my girls can spot a classic mustang a mile a way and tell what year it is. I'd love to teach them the basic maintenance.