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Anyone a Ford employee? Do they still do the "X-plan" discount for new cars like they used to?


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
The last time I bought a new Ford (my F-150 back in 2014) I had a Ford employee generously give me a PIN for "X-plan" pricing. He's since retired, but I'm wondering if the "X-plan" process still works the same.

The special pricing wasn't a huge discount, but eliminated all negotiations and cut through some of the dealer paperwork. Not haggling with the dealer was worth more to me than the discount!

BTW, I'm looking at getting a Mach-E. Actually haven't totally decided, but have narrowed the choice down to the Mach-E or Tesla Y. I rented a Tesla for a day last week and will rent a Mach-E this week. (10 minute test drives at the dealer are worthless. I like taking my time to really see if I like the car) I'll make up my mind after that.
