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Spotted - Maroon CS driving Redlands CA


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Bay Area\ SoCal
Hey was wondering if anyone on the forum was driving their maroon CS on Lagonia Street this afternoon in Redlands CA past Home Depot.

Was surprised to see a Cali Spec so close to home. Happy Friday.


Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Robert...you're from the Bay area and Lugonia Street in Redlands is close to home?? Okaaaaayyy, hahaha... I was at the Riverside airport today for a car/air show and found a Seafoam green CS there that was not in the old registry. Didn't you want to chase that maroon CS down? I always want to when I see one!
I don't know of anyone out in that area with a royal maroon car who comes to this site.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Bay Area\ SoCal
Hey Donna...yeah I live in SF but I fly down to Redlands once a month to hang with family and see niece and nephew. Also went to school in SoCal so miss those warm days where you can actually drive around AND find parking.

My CS is at the shop getting some work done and lives in Redlands until Im ready to bring it north. No rush as its a heritage San Bernardino car.

And I have a Defender which isnt as rare but YES I would have pulled a U'ee smoking the tires chasing that CS down just like in the movies. :grin:

Alaso I saw a 68 Shelby getting loaded on a flatbed the very next day on Colton St!! Whats up with the IE?

So this looks very cool. http://www.riversideca.gov/airshow/ I took the kids to Universal Studio today. Hope to see your CS....Ill be the dork honking and waving!! :thumb: