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ADMIN Welcome to the new forum software! - List of improvements


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002

Welcome everyone to the new forum software as of 12/16/22!

If you have questions, want to report a bug or missing feature, you can do that over in the Test & Help forum.

There are several improvements with the new forum software, which I'm pretty excited about. Following is a partial list;

Fab Fords 2007 Mustangs 056.jpg
Photo uploads...

Attaching photos to the forum is now much easier! You can now copy and paste photos directly into a post! This is HUGE! This can be done from several sources, including a file on your computer, from your phone, a screen shot or an image anywhere on the web. And once the photo is inserted you can now easily adjust the size and alignment, so the text of your posts can now nicely wrap around photos. (example to the left) .

You can still insert photos the traditional way with the "attach files" button. And now you can select multiple photos at the same time. Phone orientation is also recognized by the forum software, so sideways or upside down photos should no longer be a problem. (and if a few sneak through, I can now rotate photos on the fly) Full size photos also now automatically adjust their width to match the size if your browser window or device screen.

Mobile friendly...

Yes, I know. It's about time! Welcome to the 21st century. The forum now works on your phone! It uses a responsive design to adjust to your browser window size. So as your screen increases or decreases in width, the forum display will adjust, rearrange, grow or shrink as needed to stay readable on that small screen. For Contributors photos can also be uploaded directly from your phone into a post.

Enhanced security...
The previous vbulletin software was very out of date and no longer supported. The new XenForo software is much more advanced and regularly updated. It's more secure and does a much better job of keeping out spammers and scammers. And behind the scenes it allows me to upgrade other server software like PHP and MySQL. This means improved server speed, stability and security.

Similar threads...
When you start writing a new thread or you read an existing one, you'll now see at the bottom a list of "similar threads". These are past threads that are automatically suggested based on the text of the thread you are starting or viewing. It's a great way to find threads that may already answer the question you're going to ask.

Improved PM's...
PM's are now called "conversations" because they act more as a true back and forth conversation. They are more like texts, with both parts of the conversation kept together and clearly organized chronologically. They can also include multiple people. Others can be added or removed at any point in the conversation.

Drafts automatically saved...
This is good news for anyone who has been frustrated after writing a long post, then not hitting the "submit" button in time. Previously, all that work was lost. Now, a draft of your post is autosaved every few seconds. If you don't finish typing your message, and then leave the site, you can still come back and finish. Just start a new thread and your previous draft will be automatically brought in. If you didn't mean to keep the draft simply delete the text and start over.

Better quoting...
Now you can quote just a portion of someone's post by simply highlighting the text you want to quote, then clicking the "reply" button that pops up. No more quoting entire posts, then having to delete all the extra stuff you don't need.

You can now bookmark your favorite threads, conversations or photos. This will let you easily access these later. This is in addition to "subscribing" to threads, which remains similar to the old system. (now called "watch" instead of "subscribe")


Original Poster icon...
It's now very easy to identify a follow up post made by the person who started the thread (ie. the "original poster"). Just look for the yellow OP badge on the top left of their avatar.
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Staff member
Aug 18, 2002

How to edit my personal preferences?

One of the first questions may be how to get to your settings. Look near the upper right of the forums and you will see your username (provided that you're logged in). Click your username and a dropdown menu will show up with several links. This is how you get to all your personal settings including email, password, notification settings, your signature, avatar, etc.


Why does my avatar look blurry or just have a letter?

The avatar sizes in the new forum are a bit different than the old. So old existing avatars may now appear stretched or blurry. If your avatar is just a letter it means you didn't have an avatar image before. The new software automatically gives you a letter and color based on your username.

To change your avatar just click on your username in the upper right, then hover over your avatar, then click "edit". A window will pop up and you can either upload your own avatar or select from some preloaded ones.


I don't see anyone's signatures?

Are you viewing the forum on your phone or smaller tablet? If so, people's signatures are purposefully hidden on small screens to keep down on the clutter.

How do I find my posts and threads?

Click "Find Threads" on the top navigation bar. "Your Threads" will show all the discussions you've started. "Threads with your posts" will find discussions that you've posted in, but not necessarily started.


Where are my PMs?

PM's (private messages) are now called "Conversations" because they now act more like a true back and forth conversation. Think text message on your phone. All messages in a conversation are now kept together and you can include multiple people (adding or deleting as needed by whoever initiated the conversation in the first place)

Where do I check my "conversations"? - Look for the envelope up in the top right of your screen.
How do I see old PMs (ie. "conversations")? - Click the same envelope icon, then "Show All" to see past messages. For older messages (PMs) prior to the new forum software in Dec 2022, they will still be individual messages. Conversations started after Dec 2022 will show all the back and forth history.


How do I start a new "conversation" with someone? - Go to any of their posts and click on their avatar. A window will popup. Select "Start Conversation" and type in your message as you normally would.


What is the small square icon in the main list of threads?

The main icon to the left of each thread is the avatar of the person who started the discussion. But you'll also sometimes see a smaller icon overlapping the lower right. That just shows you the threads that you've posted in. You are the only one who sees that smaller icon.

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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2007
Whew, I got password reset, and now able to get in. Really like the new format. THANKS Jon


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Glad you got logged in Dave. Sorry if you had to jump through some hoops.

Immediately after the forum upgrade my email went down, so I wasn't aware people were having issues logging in. The email problem is fixed, so the password reset process now works again.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Wow! I think you did all this just for me Jon!! I’ve not had a computer at home for a few years, just using my phone , (Long story) I have never in all these years posted a photo either!
I am now retired - last week-and moving to Tennessee… my computer is already there. I can’t wait to get back on this site and stay more up to date on everything. Thanks a million for all the changes. I know I was always trying to click a ‘like’ button that wasn’t there!
You’re the best.