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1968 Emergency brake under car parts - finish?


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
Thought these were all S2, but just stripped gunk off a 68 "lever arm" (the part that attaches to the body pin with the big washer and clip) and it appears to be silver zinc.

What is the correct finish for the lever arm, "U" shaped clip to connect body clip to the wire on the RH side, and the adjuster/clip that slips over the wire and its stud and adjusting nut? And the part that the two rear balls on the ends of the wire connect to...

Dearborn May '68 build if relevant.

Also, I believe the fitting on the ends of the brake cables that slip into the retaining plates and are clipped in place were painted orange as remnants of orange appeared to exist on them. If so was this brushed or sprayed and gloss, semi or flat...???


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
I have found some 68 SJ cars to have S8 zinc finish on the arm. The retainer clips were phosphate and IMHO the Orange was brushed as a inspection mark.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
For what it is worth, the little "hairpins" that are used on the emergency brake linkage at the arm you speak of and also at the rear brake backing plate were covered with red dye indicating special attention as directed by the Federal Motor Vehicle Standards act. This was an April 03 scheduled build date vehicle if that would make any difference.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
For what it is worth, the little "hairpins" that are used on the emergency brake linkage at the arm you speak of and also at the rear brake backing plate were covered with red dye indicating special attention as directed by the Federal Motor Vehicle Standards act. This was an April 03 scheduled build date vehicle if that would make any difference.

Murf, when you say Red Dye, would this be similar to "Dykem Red layout fluid"? Just something to make it red, like the steering column rag joint bolts?