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Need to transport a car? NY to CA

still looking for one

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
Who is Elmore Leonard?Not me, not me.

:grin: I was attributing the remarks to author Elmore Leonard
on the subject of cars and impressing people with them:

Paraphrasing as best as I can remember:"The (bad guy) had, at one time or another, in his life, about 255 different cars. From a TR 3 to a '55 Chevy. All stolen.

A car was something to you picked up to get from here to there, to pick up a little money...

"Nah, I never used a car to impress anybody....Shit, you wanna impress someone, stick the barrel of a 45 down their throat, that'll impress 'em"

From "City Primeval", by Elmore Leonard. author
(He is the best author in USA who understands how American criminals talk IMO)

Jim B
Trade you your link to PCS for copy of the Autoweek article "Professional Grade
Now, back to things GT/CS!!!:smile:

still looking for one

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
Achtung Dd!!

Thank you!! PM sent.

""eventually a bossy woman with a loud and hectoring demeanor came but I couldn't understand what she was saying to me because she was holding one of those walky talky affairs that seem to emit nothing but white noise with people saying "Roger" a lot"