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Wanted Need smog parts


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2011
Sacramento, CA
Have a 68 4 spd and looking for some of the smog parts to finish up the system.

1. Smog pump bracket (the small black adjuster one that the top of the pump mounts to and allows for tension adjustment of the belt)
2. Smog canister
3. Smog canister bracket
4. Smog rubber soft lines that run from the canister to the anti-backfire cans on the airtubes.

I have the airtubes, backfire canisters and main alternator/smog pump bracket already. If you have any of these let me know what you would have to have for them..or a whole system too...

Thanks,. Guy 916-549-1088


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Big block or small block?, they both used the thermactor smog emissions.