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2005 Registry Update Thread


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
...and Paul is providing updates to the SAAC forum, but not here.

He actually did email me an update to post here on the forums, but it took me a few days to do so. I put it in the "Ask Paul M. Newitt -- GT/CS Registrar" thread. That's where I'll put all updates from him just so they're kept in one spot. If you subscribe to that thread then you'll get notified when an update is posted.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Paul posted this today on the SAAC site.

Thanks, Skip!

This site, and my own site (pmndesigns.com), are the only sites that will provide book updates from now on.
I need to update my own site--and I'll see about getting Ron over at gtcsregistry.com (late model only) to also provide book updates and any related news flashes in the GT/CS world!

Paul N.

What's that about?


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Seems odd to me that someone with such a passion and a business around a very very specific thing would quickly realize the impact of alienating those that should be his greatest support, especially when those very people are in very limited supply.

I can assure you the SAAC folks aren't blind, they will question the wisdom around comments like these that have been quoted and start to form their own opinions in a hurry. What then?



Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
Seems odd to me that someone with such a passion and a business around a very very specific thing would quickly realize the impact of alienating those that should be his greatest support, especially when those very people are in very limited supply.

I can assure you the SAAC folks aren't blind, they will question the wisdom around comments like these that have been quoted and start to form their own opinions in a hurry. What then?


I suspect he'll have no where else to go to display his exclusivity and self proclaimed crown over the GT/CS kingdom. If you burn too many bridges on your journey of life, you'll never be able to return home.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
It's interesting to me the emotional stages a person goes through when they are having problems and even those around someone struggling go through them to a point. I say struggling because that is how I see it, no implication that others see his issues as struggling. I know I've seen the stages listed out before, anger, denial, remorse etc, I don't remember them specifically but this is reaching the point to me that Paul needs help. He can't be that blind can he? Either that or he really has no intention of finishing the book and this is his way out by alienating everyone involved and then making some grand "I Quit" announcement.

I know I'm glad I elected not to pay up front, this has reached the point that had I paid up front I'd be demanding my $$ back. Hate to say that but that's how I feel.


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
The seven stages of a project. I love them. For stuff I have seen over the years in the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Large overhaul projects on ships. Over my 37 years of government service….

1. Acceptance
2. Enthusiasm
3. Dejected disillusionment
4. Total confusion
5. Search for the guilty (Tim and Rob)
6. Punishment of the innocent! (The site as a whole)
7. Promotion and adulation for the non-participants (not sure how that fits)

How about a new number seven??

7. Punishment of the “presumed” guilty to justify abandoning the innocent...



Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
I think we should slow down on this thread, before it spirals down into the negativity that we had a few weeks ago. That's not healthy or constructive for OUR website.
I know several people have had their differences & problems with PMN, and I can well appreciate that. Fortunately I did not have any personal run-ins, so perhaps I am a bit naive on the issue(s).
I DO know that Paul left the site of his own volition, and so be it.
I DO believe his book's completion is unnecessarily prolonged, trying to add too much info. (A sequel would have sufficed.)
I DO NOT speak (or write) ill of people in public (ref: Jimminy Cricket).
I Do believe a person's actions will dictate their own reputation, and other's opinions of them.
In a nutshell folks, let's be gracious and take the high road.


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
With age comes wisdom. I am guilty and I agree with you! And that is not a jab at your age!



Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
"I Do believe a person's actions will dictate their own reputation, and other's opinions of them."

Exactly right and my actions by perpetuating the topic were not correct, my appologies added to the list. Thanks for reining us in.



Oct 30, 2006
Hi to all mustang fans,
As a lifelong fan and owner since 1975 I felt I should mention a few things that may help the hobby.When the California Special was introduced it was not a huge hit.It isn't a car that was known for much other than looks.The majority of Mustang clubs that formed in the 1970's were more devoted to the early cars,or rare cars with race backgrounds like BOSS 302 &429 cars.The CS and HCS were often without any group/club of their own.The MCA Had rules that would say things that were generic to put it politely.Several people wanted to make things better,and things have developed to the point there is a variety of classes in place.Few people have the enthusiasm and talent to produce a book that is "specific "to certain needs within the hobbie.The pioneer California Special person was and is Paul.Without the first book-few people would have even known that others also really love these cars.The second book outdid the first,and the next book will most likely be over the top...but most people on this website have been aware of this...so they put in their orders-being human Paul has a life beyond this site,and the interruptions from this must have been constant.So I would suggest we give him some time and space--and not pick him apart.If you look back you will see he is always thanking everyone for their help.Now it is time to thank SAAC.They have helped with more info on LR/GH.They are also Book producers and just so you realize the bargain Paul has given you..The price is almost double for a registry!!(and they do not give publication dates)Look around for any other printed material--A Marti report for example--how long do you wait for one?? How many other places can you get one?Are they licensed by Ford? If you catch my suggestion,and to quote my father "try to kill with kindness first,it never fails" And to end it "good things come to those that wait" If you really want to help..try to find the missing puzzle pieces,and promote the hobbie.:smile::cool:
Regards P.D.