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Car Show Help


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
In March, we plan to show our Cal Spec at the World of Wheels car show here in Kansas City with my mustang club. My brother Brian will also be showing his AC Cobra at the same show with his cobra club, which is really cool for both of us.

For those who have shown before in these types of shows, I am interested in your thoughts about how to best show the car? What materials work well to explain the history of the Cal Spec? Any good tricks of the trade to make the car more impressive? Lastly, any "don't do this" that someone might have experienced.

Interested in your thoughts.



Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Here is what I have done so far:

1. Album showing any original paper work (owners manual, build sheet, warranty cards, old titles, Marti Report, dealer brochures, sales window stickers, receipts showing historical maintenance). I also added in a few articles on Little Red to show the prototype the CS came from.

2. Poster using the "California Made It Happen" brochure. This original brochure folds out nicely to make a poster and explains that this car is unique and real (these are original dealer brochures and you can get them on eBay). I was able to find a cheap $10 poster frame to put the poster in and lean it against the car (or on an easle). This is a real attention grabber. Here is one on eBay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7953859318&category=34220

3. Paul's Books. (Although, at the high prices, is anyone getting worried that someone will walk off with these when we happen to leave go get a hot dog?).

Has anyone made a poster showing history and statistics? In Paul's second book there is a page that can be copied and used in this manner, but I havent decided whether to use that or make a poster (the numbers are a bit different than those Paul had in 96). Would love to see any "stats/history" posters people have done.



Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
Thanks Casey. Also looking for other tips like:

Jacking the car to line up the white lettering on tires, hood open, hood closed, decklid, doors, mirrors?? If anyone has cool stuff like that to talk about, I am all ears!! ;D ;D



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
I have found that a young, attractive female to walk around the car, open the doors and talk to passers by really helps with attention. ;)


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Will the car be roped off or will the public be able to attempt to open the doors, touch the paint, etc? The reason I ask is that if given a chance some people will open your doors when you are not paying attention. It also seems that car enthusiasts are just as interested in the interior of a car as the exterior of a car so you might want to leave the doors open and windows down. Especially if you have a deluxe interior or consoles. Mustang people tend to look at the ceiling first to see if there is a console up there. Besides, opening the doors helps show off the stripes.

Has anyone heard about using spray furniture polish (Pledge) to get the dust off the car. I've been told that most people who show their cars use such sprays just before every show. It seems like a good idea but I wonder how it reacts with the clear coat or even the wax on a car. Aren't there some similar dusting sprays out now made just for cars?

There is a "100% original" GT/CS on ebay with a '67 celing console. Is there any way Ford, or a dealer, would have installed a '67 upper console in an early '68 or did a previous owner just install it?


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Gettysburg, Pa.
::)I have ran across some shows where a show board is a no no. until after the judging. Hood up, trunk open . The cars are not roped off. The best think is to keep a open eye on the car. Some shows requite a fire extinguisher. All the hoses should have all the visable marks showing like all the heater hoses. I have seen some people jog the motor until the markings are up on all the belts. not me. I was at a show last year and setting behind my car. After a while a father and young son came along and the boy had a water bottle . I saw him rake the plastic bottle across the door of the car that was next to me. I jumped on him with both feet . I know of some people that don't take there car to shows on account of what might happen to it.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
I have three words of advice for you. CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN!

I've placed over some really nice cars at large Mustang and All-Ford shows here in the Detroit area mainly because my car was cleaner than others in my class.


This is a great question.

If it's an indoor show, they might want you to tape your gas cap shut.

The Jacob's GT/CS (in my book) was once shown at the Sacto Autorama with some sand and a surfboard and a fake palm tree. It was a pretty cool display.

If you would like to--you have my permission to color copy (enlarge?) the cover of my 1988 Edition to mount on a board & easel to display. The Ford brochure is also a good idea, too.

I think the most important message to visitors--especially outside of Calif., is to display things that explain that this was a factory-made Ford, and not a "one-off" custom Mustang. That would be the primary message to make (in my opinion).

Good Luck! ...and don't let that AC Cobra take away attention from your CS!!

Paul N.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
All great input guys. To follow up, the World of Wheels is an indoor event. They do require a fire extinguisher and gas cap to be taped off. As well, they require something to be under the car (for drips). The Mustang Club has a spot (reserved for 10 cars) and those 10 cars will be roped off. The bad news is that the Club forms two rows of 5 cars each, nose to tail.

With regards to the spray, we apply a vinyl finish spray to the paint (recommended from our local cobra shop and approved by our painter). When applied, the car really shines.

For those who have seen our car on the gallery, we feel like we have a really clean car from the rotissorie restoration. Now all I have to do is try not to drive it in this Missouri weather to keep it clean until then.

I appreciate everyones response, looking for more if anyone has other great ideas!!!

Many thanks.



Well-known member
Nov 22, 2002
Folsom, CA
I have a few "not so novel" thoughts which everyone knows, but haven't yet been said. Mine are mostly aesthetics, but here goes: Tires and markings all legible, straight up and down. Hubcaps (if your car has them) same way. If the radio antenna is collapsible, push it down. Don't need a 3' lightning rod. Door lock knobs down if possible, and remember the little grommets were not painted, they were clear. Window crank handles offset so that they match when viewed from left side to right side. Seat belts aligned in some fashion, doesn't matter how, just aligned all the same. Front seat roof line seat belts correctly hooked into their rubber fittings, and take up the "sag" (push wire holders forward to make them tight).

Last, take a few digital photos of your setup at the show, if possible, and scrutinize them on a PC. It is amazing what we miss when looking at the "big picture" because we don't see the small picture... Keep thinking "if it was in a magazine photo shoot......" And of course, clean, clean, clean.
Best I can do, and of course, not too original!