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trans swap

68 special

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2004
I'm starting the process of trying to determine which option would be best, and I can use any advise. I currently have an '69 FMX that is going south. starting to slip really bad from park to drive and reverse. I see 3 choices. 1) rebuild the fmx myself with a cost of approx. $100 for a complete kit, about $100 for shift kit and my time. 2) R&R with another fmx or c4 already rebuilt, cost approx. $500. 3) R&R with a late model AOD ( up to '93) for about $500. I've been leaning towards the aod, for performance and economy. The articles I've read make it seem pretty easy with a few things I'd need to buy, like a flex plate, "tv" cable, crossmember, aod yoke w/ shortened driveline and the linkage. The only thing I didn't see referenced is the speedo cable. Will my '68 speedo cable and gear work with the aod? Has anyone done the aod swap?


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Does the exhaust "H" pipe need to be modified with the AOD, or does someone make a prebent replacement for this swap if in fact the original will not clear the trans? How about the cooler lines? I think that they are now available prebent for this swap but can't remember where I saw the ad for them.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
A C4 is correct & the most simple application for a '68 small block and/or I6.
That would be my choice.
As far as power or economy:
Do you race it? If not the power requirement is moot.
Do you drive it 12K miles/year? if not, the economy issue is moot.
If you have a big block, the C6 is the logical choice.



Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
I did this swap and I used the original speedo cable, but I don't remember what I did about the driven gear. I seem to remember that the AODs came with different speedo drive gears depending on year. So the drive gear dictated which driven gear you needed.

I believe Ron Morris Performance makes a crossmember that can be used with stock exhaust, but it wouldn't work with mine because the headers wanted to dump right where the crossmember was. I had to have one fabricated.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I have been busy this week. I just put an AOD in mine. If you can get a decent one it is pretty straight forward. The only question I cannot answer is the stock “h” pipe. I think it will work with the stock “h” pipe.

Uses the same speedo cable. You will need to purchase a flex plate as you noted. You will also need the block plate between the engine (thin plate) and the inspection cover from the AOD. My car could use the stock driveline without shortening.

As Joe says you need a new rear cross member. Rear mount can be reused. You will need a TV cable and the carb and tranny brackets. I got mine from Lokar. There is a special little bracket that mounts to a Holley carb you need to achieve the correct geometry for the TV cable.

They do recommend an external tranny cooler to work in parallel with your tranny cooler in the bottom tank of the radiator. You can work with the stock metal tranny cooler lines and fit them. I did.

If you are not a concurs guy, I would invest zero in a C4! I love my AOD. I am running 3.70 9 inch gears and at 80 I am only turning about 2,700 RPM. At 70 it is in the 2,300 range. This is with a very short tire. Best of all worlds.

On a minus side a stock AOD has kinda “soft” shifts. And it is difficult to shift it from 1st to 3rd so to speak in a racing mode. I would recommend driving a newer Ford with a 302 and AOD. I have a high performance AOD that shifts so brutally into second it is awesome! 2nd to 3rd is crisp also.

If you go the AOD route, I can help you step through it. You will not be sorry. Come over and ride in mine!!!


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Bret are you looking at the same rebuilt C4 on CL that I'm looking at?

Let me look at yours beore you invest in another. It shifts fine and I am certain I can cure you leak this winter. If it is a front seal, it will need to stay with me a couple days. It will cost very little.

68 special

68 special

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2004
Thanks for all the replies. I've found a couple Aod's on c/l. Most are just the trans. A couple have the torque converter and dip stick for between $300 & $400. Mileage unknown. Since I drive it as much as possible, I'm probably going to go with on of these or wait for the swap meet next weekend at the fairgrounds here in Monroe. Good excuse to go.
