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1968 replacement water pump


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
is it safe to put a 302 water pump on a 289 would it move more water not faster the number is C80E-D or should i just put in a 289 water pump? any help would do thanks everbody


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
I couldn't say, I would surmise that the impeller installed on any rebuilt water pump would be what is available now.

Size of the water pump and crank shaft pulley would determine the pump speed, along with the ring and pinion ratio, tire size, and style of driving.

It would have to be researched, but wouldn't a 1968 small block water pump work on both 289 and 302's?

I can tell you for a fact that later model 302 water pump and after market water pumps will have a clearance issue with your fan shroud, and most likely would be a reverse rotation unit.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
The late model water pump will also have the return hose exiting to the wrong side of the car. If it goes to the wrong side you will also lose sight of the timing mark mark