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GT/CS Restoration video


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I guess I'll chime in. I don't think we should ban the guy (unless it's he who shall not be named) just because he's a poor salesman and has destroyed his credibility here. He's been fairly polite while he's stepped on his ****. It's obvious he won't be able to sell anything here unless his tactics and prices change, so what harm is he doing? He'll either wise up or go away on his own, I would imagine. My vote is give him a chance to correct his image.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
I'm with Steve, maybe it's the Idaho in us, can't see that he's done anything to banish himself. Make himself look like an !@!&# maybe but no harm other than to himself.



Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
C'mon you guys... hotrod69dfw is on the FORD GT "design team" if you can't see him for the mustang restoration genius he is because of that then you are all a bunch of blind freeloaders.

Don't for get you get another CD with stuff to make stickers out of, that must be why he's selling out of the videos.

Did I mention you guys are a bunch of freeloaders? Oh wait.... I'm one too.......LOL

This has been a great thread.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Well guys, I wasn't going to post anything else to this thread but, =MUSTANG= made me think of a program I used to watch as a kid - The Red Skelton Show and, one of his or I should say my favorite characters he played was "FREDDIE THE FREELOADER". I'd laughed so much my ribs would hurt.

Come to think of it there's one thing we all forget to ask. He's offering us a video he's making or has made on restoring a basket case GT/CS. Since he joined the forum, why no pictures of this "RESTORED" GT/CS for which he made this video series? I'm sure since he's part of or was part of the GT design team I'm sure it's a master piece. Those I would definitely like to see - that is if they exist?

Hey =MUSTANG=; I may just need your "Shadetree Mechnic" expertise someday. Heck, with you in Michigan and me in Ohio, I'd gladly pay a six pack. We're close enough I'd even deliver it to you and help drink it. Who know's it might even turn into to a 24 pack.

Don ;D ;D