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Value of options


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2009
I post here as a guest but the fact is that I visit this site at least dailey. Not being the owner of a Cal.Spec. I find your discussions to be enlightening and helpful to people such as myself that are potential owners. I have been interested in the purchase of a well optioned vehicle but am at a loss to place a value on certain, or most options. I noted that one of the members mentioned having a value guide at some time in the future but have not seen it yet. What is your collective opinion as to the value added for these and any other factory options: AC,Power Brks, Auto Trans., Delux Int., GT Package, Lower Console, Upper Console, Tilt Wheel, Am, or AM_FM, or tape player, Tinted Glass, ECT---?The second question is which of the value guides do you think most accurately project the true value of these autos. For instance NADA, CPI, the little books at the the mustang shop, Old car Value Guide (the list goes on forever as you know. Please help me get straight on this so that I may purchase the right car at a fair price. Thanks, John Murphy MCA # 7600


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002

Welcome -- I'm glad to hear that you read the boards often. I'm the one with the value guide. It is currently in the stages of being incorporated into this website (thanks, Jon!).

As for the options you mentioned, many are included in my guide. Several are not (Power brakes, auto tranny, tilt, radio style, tinted glass, etc.). The reason some are not included as individual value modifiers is either because I have no data on GT/CS's sold with these options (radio type, tilt), or I've found that the presence of some of these options makes little or no impact on sale price (Pwr Brakes, tinted glass, etc.). In the case of transmissions, it's often up to the specific buyer. For example, I would rather have a manual transmission and would not buy a GT/CS with an auto tranny. However, others have the opposite opinion. Some may not care either way. Therefore, I don't put a value on that option, with the exception of the desireable 4-speed manual transmission. Bottom line is that my guide is based on hard data with a good amount of practicality thrown in.

I think that the guide that most accurately reflects the value of these cars is MINE! ;D That may sound arrogant, but I don't think that any of the others you mentioned are as involved with this specific car as I am, nor do they track actual sales as diligently.

Hopefully, we will have the guide up on this site soon so that everyone can use it. Until then, individuals interested in purchasing a GT/CS can contact me via email or personal message for an advance copy of the guide (MS Word). Please don't email if you just want to know the value of your car -- I'll be swamped! ;)



Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
as Winston has mentioned the value of options is hard to determine because most cars that sell are sold because of the body style and engine combination and not options. I can tell you that there are some rarer options that are very nce to have: Tilt/swing-away steering, cruise control (very rare only 437), am/fm, safety convenience (the 4 lights on the dash or console), tachometer, and probably the most expensive option the california special ;D.

These options can have a value placed on them separatly but it is hard to estimate the value by itself when included in the car. A good place to get a value of separate options is ebay. They sell almost every option at one time or another. I have seen the convenience group sold for close to $500 including wiring and components, & tilt/swing-away steerings go for over $300.

I know this may have not answered your question but it should tell you which options are more desirable and therefore increase the value of a car when you are looking to purchase one.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
I should have added, why don't you register with the site, you do not have to own a CS to register. That way you can have a ID besides Guest and you can vote on polls, like Winstons light posts. ;)


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
OK, I will accept your offer. Registration took place as far as I can tell. Thanks for all of your help on this subject. Contacted Winston with a more specific request so please continue to respond to this if you have any input.