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Registry Question for my new book


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
[quote author=C160223 link=board=1;threadid=1507;start=30#msg9030 date=1111950920]
Hi Hook

My post is not intented to attack you or to start a war, but I think you are missing the point. It's not that no one thinks your car is not real or you don't want to spend the money for a report. The report is solely for documentation in the registry, so Paul has a record of verified cars. The Ford CAC report is only a phone call away, if you don't care for documentation about your car, send the original copy directly to Paul. If you don't have the time to make a call, email me your VIN, and I'll do it for you and send it to Paul.


The greatest thing about life to me is the freedom of expression and interest that it offers me, and friend let me tell you this, I respect your comments, do not take them as an attack, but your point and my point are two different points and I'm not missing mine nor are you missing yours. I think it's one of those agree to disagree issues.

I'm simply not traveling the road of competition based on my car. I will never be in the GT/CS or Mustang car show circuit. No interest, I will never see my car to a concours restoration, no interest, gotta drive it, I will never spend time or money to authenticate, prove, list, elitite, advance, or anything on my car, not due to lack of money, oh no I'm a money waster just ask my wife. Don't get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for those that take the time and pride to take their car back to the perfect state of birth. I simply wouldn't enjoy it, there was a time that I may have but age has changed my point of view, life is short and fragile and the competative world of shows and things like that aren't worth it to me. My personal opinion is that what started out many moons ago as a car show has turned into a money show. I'll show my car at the local car show and shine for the fun of it and I'll attend the car shows to see the perfect specimens but I will never let it consume me to the point that I HAVE TO DO WHAT IT TAKES TO BE FIRST or BEST. I just want to enjoy it while I'm here in hopes that others do as well and making the perfect car or proving it to others isn't on the list of enjoyment to me.

I accept that it is for others and I'll respect that, and I would have probably kept out of this conversation entirely if it weren't for the fact that I've loved being in Paul's book and a part of this world from it's beggining stages, not from a braggarts stand point, I've never even shown the books to anyone else, I'll eventually share them with my son as the car will someday be his for now they sit on my shelf and I get them down and read occassionaly and being a part of this history from the begining is very special to me as is my car.

Pretty simple to me, complex for others and I understand and accept that, but I'm not going down without at least expressing my feelings.

Thanks for listening, I will support where ever we go.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
68mustanghcs wrote

This registry belongs to the members of it, and it should be their choice as to the way the cars should be registered, and whether it should allow authentic cars or all cars.

if you are talking about Paul's book then you are dead wrong, it is HIS registry and book and HE can format anyway he wants. You just don't have to like it or buy it.

my .02


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I'll post one last time and then I'm done. I agree with Hook on a lot of stuff. Restoring cars is my hobby, not something I make money at. Look at my tag line. I can't seem to bring myself to sell any of them. I'm just a blue collar working stiff like many here and scratch for every penny to do what I love. I restore them as nice drivers but am not about to invest $50-100K in a trailer queen. I got the Marti report and sent it to Paul because I didn't know the cars full history and who knows if Marti will keep doing this forever or how many books Paul will put out. By the way, the Registry is his to do with as he pleases and the choice to put your car in or not or buy the book or not is yours. Seems pretty simple to me but then again, I'm a simple kind of guy. I'm sorry I started the SAAC poll and got that whole thing going. At this point I think if someone wants to go that route they should join SAAC on their own and work from within to get their car recognized. I live in the middle of nowhere, figuratively speaking, and would probably never attend a meeting, show, race, whatever because I'd need to take two weeks off work to get there and back. I've probably said more than enough so I'll stop ranting. From now on I'll try to remember to just concern myself with asking for technical help or giving it as the case may be.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
It seems to me that Kevin Marti has created a report that is no longer optional. The first question everyone on the board asks is whether or not someone has a Marti Report. I can envision a day (probably in the very near future) that original Ford sales documents, build sheets, etc. won't be enough to satisfy prospecive buyers unless they are backed up by Kevin's report. Of course his report is based solely on the VIN which is a little scary.


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2005
Eastern, NC
[quote author=68MustangHCS link=board=1;threadid=1507;start=15#msg9004 date=1111901762]
I personally don't think it matters what the verification is, only that it has been documented. I personally believe that a registry should only accept authenticated cars, owners who don't want to provide the authentication shouldn't be included. Why register something that isn't authentic? Just a question to ponder. I'm not trying to ruffel any feathers, but I would think a registry would be real authentic cars only.

This quote above is only my opinion. I should have posted more of a disclaimer....ha

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, I was trying to help.

I still think that if your going to publish a registry, the information should be accurate, documented, and everymember giving proper authorization or consent. Those people in the older issues should follow the same guidelines and resubmit their information.

Everything documented should be accurate and have written permission.

I know Paul agrees with this to some degree: Whenever someone uses his work or quotes his words without his permission it bothers him, and he expresses his displeasure in these columns.

If the owners want their information published again, Paul should have their permission.

I'm not an elitist, If my car is to be listed as an authentic car, it should be accuarte, documented in any way acceptable to the approval of this membership.

There seems to be few sour grapes in every group, and a few that are unwilling for change, and many that like to go with the flow. I sort have gotten the impression If your new to this group, you get jumped on by some of the old guard. Everyone should respect new opinions and welcome them here.

This is a place for contributions. I admit I may have given some wrong impressions, but if you read my first post, it was only my opinion, and was an attempt to help.

This thread was started by Paul looking for opionions on how "WE" want him to use "OUR" information and collect it.



Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Hopefully no one took your posts as anything other than opinion. Just like hopefully you didn't take any of the responses as anything other than differing opinions.

That's what 99% of every post on this forum is, which is great. The point is to share ideas and opinions, so I don't think you needed a disclaimer. :)


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
[quote author=quicknick link=board=1;threadid=1507;start=30#msg9054 date=1111964306]
I think it's time for a group hug.


I'm all for that :D

This is a great group offering a lot and it's my hope that we can grow together and as we have growing pains we can look at all side of the issue by debating them a bit and showing respect for all sides and during that growth never lose sight of what it was originally all about. Too many things in life lose the original intent in trying to better the cause. It's about all of us, not a select group among us.



Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
[quote author=n.id.steve link=board=1;threadid=1507;start=30#msg9049 date=1111962061]
I'm sorry I started the SAAC poll and got that whole thing going. At this point I think if someone wants to go that route they should join SAAC on their own and work from within to get their car recognized. Steve

Steve, don't be sorry for starting the poll. I didnt make it a secret that I supported the idea of having GT/CS become a registry or part of SAAC. I appreciate your joining me in asking others what they thought. That is what makes us all a family on this site - being able to ask questions and respectfully listen to the opinions. Some voiced opinions not to join SAAC. That is ok - we all have our reasons for why we enjoy our cars.

The same is true for Paul's registry. The individuals of the group are expressing opinion.

However, on both of these issues Paul is the guru (or father) of the group and makes the final call. I told him that I support his decision on the GT/CS joining SAAC in a separate email to him.

Raising new ideas, questions, polls should always be ok for the group, but in the end we should leave it to Paul to decide - for as long as he chooses to be the guru - I (we) have much respect for Paul, his experience and his history with this car.

BTW, I decided to join SAAC on my own ($47) and there is a lot of really neat information. Casey


New member
Mar 28, 2005
Osawatomie, KS
I guess I'm on the fence as it relates to this one; however, I thought I had seen in your book that the GT/CS did not have unique VIN's; they just pulled a car off the line and made it into a GT/CS. If this is the case, how is the car verified? I have gotten that free report from Ford but if I recal correctly it doesn't mention anything about a GT/CS.
I have known mine since 1977 and have no reason to believe it 's not a real GT/CS so I'm like the reader that said why pay for something that I already know. I don't have a lot of extra money to fix up things on the vehicle much less ordering reports.
One other thing: what's the date of your current registry? Thanks.


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2003
I just signed on and read most of these 4 pages of posts. One question which I have not seen asked yet: My car, bought by me in 2003, is not in either registry book. I sent you registry info for my car last year. I also have a Marti report, which I did NOT send. What is the best way to send you the Marti report? Will you be asking all of us who recently joined the registry for that documentation? And thanks for all you are doing for us. BTW, I think that only authenticated cars should be in the registry.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Paul posted this on the other thread:

You can send the registry info to this website, and I'll get it though them, or send it directly to me at:

Paul M. Newitt
PO Box 2245
Davis, CA 95617

Include your VIN, Door plate info, any options, and other notes of interest--and include a photo of your car.

And--if you have an original invoice, a "Ford Report", or Marti Report", send a copy of that, too.




As akward as this is, I think I owe you an explaination (and if you don't know what this is about--"ignorance is bliss").

Message boards "are a dangerous place", because the message is immediate for all to read; good, bad and indifferent. It's a place for reflection of character, and, boy! I sure "was a character" threatening to "shred the registry". Oh! The Drama! <rolling eyes>

I won't bore you with all the personal details, but a comment (which doesn't really matter) put me over the top. I had to deal with a serious family problem, and the stress was too much. I've also been working on a 200 page Model RR book for the past two years--at 12-14 hour days, often including weekends (on a vow of poverty to write it). It's done now, but it has taken a toll on me (somebody send me to Disneyland!).

So...the idea of jumping right into another book, and then getting "ideas way beyond my level of acceptance"; I guess is my own fault for asking for more democracy than I had hoped for (that'll teach me. I'll keep my yap shut from now on).

I looked at a registry form I got in the mail last week, with a photo of a CS with two small girls in their Sunday best standing in front of Daddy's car. That did it. What was I thinking? I have to do this book.

But--there will be some conditions and guidelines that I'll set, since it will be my book. I WILL include as many cars that are presented to me as GT/CS or HCS cars, with or without "authentication" (Marti Report, etc.). I will indicate if I was sent copies of those type of documents in the registry listing. The reason why is because this has always been an enthusiast book first, and registry second. IF there was something in the VIN code or door code, there would be no question, but we're in a pickle here from a data point of view--SO! --Owners can and should bear the responsibility of proof--at their choice. People need to realize that a VIN and photo of their CS is really NOT a guarantee of anything--except what people have sent me. I would like to also point out that the "clone/fake problem" is not as bad as you might think, and they are easy to find.

I need to get some things in order here--and get my "other book" to press and to the market in the next several weeks. There will be some background research that I need to do--and I need to contact SAAC, and Marti AutoWorks, to find out what they can do for the book.

I'll be scarce "here" for a while, but send me your car's info--and anything of importance. I'll keep an eye on you guys (and gal) in the meantime.


BTW--those Green Hornet photos are by Martin Euler--the person who restored it.

P.S. --Bob--I got the stack of cards for the Registry in the mail today. Next time--you'll send a CD with this kinda data--right??


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Paul, as much as we hate to accept it each of us is allowed only 24 hours per day. I hope I can speak for the rest of the members of this board and say that if you are exceeding your daily allotment of hours and need to borrow some of ours feel free to ask. We all have computers so I'm sure there is some task we can take off your shoulders. Maybe it's scanning pictures, or putting information into Excel or Access, or whatever. If you think it's something we can do we're here.


Gosh--thanks Moses for the offer. You mean there ISN'T 27 hours in a day? LOL Several folks have e-mailed me in support. Many thanks to you all!!

I think I got the point about the "need" for authentication. I understand how to some of you that is very important. I belong to SAAC, and their HUGE registry book has cars numbered with all kinds of info, and you can bet every car is authenticated. I am well aware of how that is done.

I would like nothing more than to have a list of VINs of ALL the GT/CS and HCS cars made--but that would take a small miracle, and/or a wad of cash to get. The potential problem is if I printed that--and there was a mistake, and someone lost money on a sale based on that kind of "wrong" info in my book, then I have a problem.

By presenting information provided BY owners--it places the "burden of proof" ON the owner(s). I don't like people who pass off fakes as real--as much as anyone else, if not more. But I don't have the resources to do an "authentic" list beyond what I get in the mail as copies of invoices, Marti reports, etc.

The book will have outlined how to spot a "fake". As expressed here before--we DO have recourse through a Marti Report, and other paperwork. I'll do my best to make everyone satisfied about this. I still have some tricks up me sleeve in the research department.

I believe we've exhausted this subject (right?).

Paul N.