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Diamond Blue with White Top


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
What's going on with that rear stripe? The scoop stripe- what font is that? Who's selling these weirdos? Oh, excuse me. (Sorry.) These "custom stripes''?


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Not to take away from how odd they look when the stripes aren't correct but I've found that some of the restorations were done prior to the popularity of the CS and they did not have resources for the correct stripes when they were restored/repainted, either that or the shop/person doing the job did not know where to go to get the correct stripes and may not have even know what the correct stripes were.

With the internet it sure has made it easy to find out what is or isn't out there for almost anything.

I remember when I first bought my CS, I'd never heard of one, had no idea what it was, had no knowledge of the car. There certainly wasn't any californiaspecial.com to reference. There wasn't an internet so my research was through body shops and car shows and I live rural enough the car shows are more hillbilly car shows that concours by far, I also talked to as many car guys as I could find and there weren't many that knew anything about it.

My car did not have the correct stripes after it was repainted prior to my purchase. I did not know that at the time. The side stripe was cut by a vinyl shop, they did it with the correct font and from a few feet back you can not tell it isn't factory because they saved the factory stripe as a template, the only way you can tell is the letters are hand cut if you look very close. The deck lid stripe is not accurate but it's a lot closer than this one, they tried to get it close.

Doesn't make much difference either way I was just trying to enlighten the subject by bringing light that a lot of these cars were re-done during a time that the correct items, stripes included, weren't easily available if they were available at all and the knowledge around the cars was not as accessible as it is now. They may look funny to us but I'd bet in a lot of cases they were doing the best they could with what they had and knew.



Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
I think they used the same as the side scoop stripes to make the rear stripe.
The interior and engine bay in this car looks very original.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
The rear stripe looks like it's from a '69 Shelby