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ADMIN Photo Gallery fixed, but....


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Yeah!!! The Photo Gallery is now fixed.

After being down for way too long, the Photo Gallery feature of the site is now fixed. The original software developer disappeared a while ago and left no way of getting support on his product. But I was finally able to find someone who has the skills (and who I trusted) to get in a fix the problem.

The only problem is that several Gallery entries had images that couldn't be recovered, so they don't work. If you have one of those broken Galleries and want your images shown you'll have to upload them again. If you need help with that please let me know.

Having said all of that, many people have gravitated to the Garage feature instead of the Photo Gallery. The Garage is a more robust system, so if you've already set up your Garage then there may be no reason to go back to the older Photo Gallery system. It's up to you.