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Thank You Again for your Support!



I wanted to write a reflective piece to those of you who frequent the site--and to those that haven't signed up, and are just here to look around (including other GT/CS owners).

Not unlike most of you out there, I have hard days working on my projects; last Friday being one of them. That evening, I checked my P.O. Box, and there was a letter addressed to the registry, this time from a soon-to-be-owner of a 2008 GT/CS. The letter was enthusiastic, and complementary to the work I've done over the years for the registry, including my answering questions (even before the internet), etc., etc...

I feel so lucky that I've had the support and admiration of so many owners over the years. Having a difficult day--then reading an enthusiastic letter like this raised my spirits. It made my day.

I am truly lucky to have this support, and for so many years. I appreciate it very, very, much, too. It's one thing to do something you like, and yet, quite another to be aknowledged for it.

Again, my appreciation for your encouraging words, and support. I would be amiss to not include the added expertise and knowledge here on the site; that answers so many questions to unique problems (I would never pretend to know everything). Those good folks deserve a lot of credit,too.

I am truly lucky to be your registrar, and I do thank you all so very much. Literally, at the end of the day, I know that I have you; like an extended family. Lucky me.

Paul Newitt

p.s. I am struggling for time this week, but I am working on the mailer as much as possible--to send out to you ASAP. Juggling five projects at once is like spinning plates on sticks!! Yikes!!!



Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003

It is you that deserves all of the thanks and praise. The current GT/CS exist because of you and all of your passion and hard work. This website exist because of you. Your books educated and informed a group of motorheads that wanted a classic car that was different from all of the other cars out there. This family has grown and is growing because you have chosen to share your passion and knowledge freely. Thank you Paul for being a great leader.




Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
Hi Paul,

Thanks for this feedback. But youself deserve a greater one, as expressed also by the others. You've been the catalyst of this group.

In my case, when I was loooking for a rare car in the early 90's, I heard about the GT/CS. It's only after reading your book and exchanging letters with you that I realize how special it was and that I really knew I wanted one. You made me (and others) realize what a model it was, and what great enthousiasm you were demonstrating.

More than just a car fever, I feel you sparked the reassambling of this little community. Yes the internet helps to dissemate this contagious spirit around the world, but the "virus" must be there first to spread. To me, you created that monster...

Sometimes when one starts an initiative, it can vanish over the years, at that would be normal. You carried on for so many years. Did you thought when you started to prepare your first registry you would be talking with members about the prep for the GT/CS 40th anniversary celebration...

Thanks again for bringing me in contact with this crowd and car
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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
I agree with you all ,nearly ever since I got my 07 GT/CS . I have been here and like you say, an extended family here to. I have got to know and respect what my Stang is all about. I enjoy spreading the word about this special Mustang, As far as I know I am the only one that has GT/CS in either of the car clubs I belong to. Just continue what you are doing Paul and I have upmost repect for that.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
As I said before. No Paul no GT/CS following. Certainly the car would exist, but the thousands of hours you personally invested in its history have raised the value of all our cars. I wonder if Ford would have rerun the GT/CS in the modern line. Without you I doubt it. You sould feel some sense of pride in that.

Your investment, just for the love of the car, has meant so much to our hobby. I was so surprised, but at the same time it is you, when you were apprehensive obout asking a hundred bucks for your new book. That will barely cover the cost of the book if you sell enough! We should not benefit while you risk your own money. Not after all of the free hours you put in.

Ready to buy my book, and I will prepay!!!!

You should be proud of what you have created everday that you log on this site. Without you none of us would be typing on this thread today.




I greatly appreciate the responses, but it's definately a two-way street of appreciation.

What fuels all of this is how truly "neat" this Mustang really is. The looks have become ageless, and how it's received on the street is STILL impressive.

I will put everything I can into the new book, and am interviewing some important folks in L.A. next month. I think that your questions and the need for more information prompts me to go even farther.

The GT/CS heritage helps the Shelby history, Cougar history, as well as other Fords of the mid-to-late 1960's.

I have to also add that Rick Kopec and Vinny Liska of SAAC have been great inspirations and motivators for me since the beginning.

You guys are great; and it's wonderful to come home, get on line and be part of this ongoing "family" discussion.

Many thanks to you all,

Paul N.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA

I will put everything I can into the new book, and am interviewing some important folks in L.A. next month.
Paul N.

Do you know when next month? Would you possibly plan on being here the 11th? If so, you may get a chance to see 2 GT/CSs on the dragstip in Fontana.


Sorry--I'll be there the week of the 20th.

Maybe I can meet with some owners for dinner one evening?
'68 and '07 owners?!?!

Paul N.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
Let me know once you nail down your plans. I'd be happy to meet you for dinner, as well as others in the area.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
I don't get to the site as often as I used to but one of you guys give me a call, I wanna go too!


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
There's no doubt in my mind that your efforts have been key to the success that our beloved Cal Specials enjoy today ... it would be great to see you again provided that we could meet at a day/time and place that many could attend ...

Maybe we could meet at Bob's Big Boy by the 60 and 57 freeways, or, just a couple miles west of Bob's, we could meet at Frisco's, a fun 50's Diner with carhops ( http://www.friscos.com/ ) ... Here's a pic of the Carhops at John Force's Cruise night event, BTW, this next car show will sponsored by the Orange County Mustang Club ( http://www.johnforce.com/index.html, click on "cruise nights") ...
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Yes--I'll PM you about the possibility of getting together--either Tues or Wed night for dinner?

I am so sorry for the delay--I just didn't get my schedule finalized until today.

