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Looking for Console Radio Knobs

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
somethingspecial said:
Why not think Christine, The odometer runs backwards anyways. Just think, the more you drive it, the more valuable it gets. It starts itself, all it needs now is oldie music playing on the radio, On second thought, maybe you don't want radio knobs. Ha Ha. Mike

...Well Mike, I spent the better part of the day giving rides and racking up the miles for breaking in the new posi, suspension and transmission... 'Let my two sister in laws & two brothers drive it & the car didn't seem at all jealous or try to kill any of 'em... 'Probably a good thing the stock radio is AM only; no decent oldie stations around here ;-) so yes - let's go ahead & get the radio knobs.

Yes Arlie, this is the Fresno car. 'Completely "zero-timed" the drivetrain and suspension since you saw it. It is a total dream to drive now! Tim


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
I saw that, I was going to bid on the radio with knobs, but I was out making an offer on a 67 ragtop. I am building, or should I say my wife is building a GT500KR clone. She just secured a 428 CJ, and the 67 is a factory 4speed car. She wouldn't have anything but a 4 speed. GOTTA LOVE HER!!!!!
I Think the 130 bucks seemed steep, I wouldn't have gone that far. Mike
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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
I saw that, I was going to bid on the radio with knobs, but I was out making an offer on a 67 ragtop. I am building, or should I say my wife is building a GT500KR clone. She just secured a 428 CJ, and the 67 is a factory 4speed car. She wouldn't have anything but a 4 speed. GOTTA LOVE HER!!!!!
I Think the 130 bucks seemed steep, I wouldn't have gone that far. Mike


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
The shame of the radio knob thing is that when we spoke to the guy we bought our car from, he said he used to just throw those things away since most consoles were thrown away as well. This guy has owned at least 130 mustangs in his life (big time Shelby guy). He said the knobs just were not important in those days to keep around and that you could always find them.

130 dollars is alot but is about the price we were seeing when we tried to get our hands on ours.
