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Scott Drake Facility Tour


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003
I just returned from the SEMA show where I had the opportunity to meet Scott Drake and was invited to an open house at his facility. One of the first things that I noticed was an original GT/CS dealer brochure that was framed and hanging on the wall in the office area. Very cool to say the least!

If any of you ever get to Vegas you have to go to Shelby's facility and Drake's facility. You won't be disappointed.



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I've been to the Shelby facility. VERY cool but I walked out wishing my checkbook had bigger numbers in it. :smile: When I walked in, there was a Daytona sitting just inside the door. Without thinking (I do that a lot) I did the "Wow, a Daytona" and all the tourists turned with a "What's a Daytona?" look on their faces.
