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GT/CS Dash Plaque--I need your input.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I measured mine-original fender-and it's "square". 4.25" x .5" . The inside corners are a little ragged but that may be either from paint buildup or a dull die when it was cut and it's clear the intent was for 90 deg. corners.



Great, Steve!

That matches the dimentions I got from two other sources. I'm glad you mentioned the 90 degree angles.

Now I can lay out the artwork. This will be very classy!

I sure appreciate your help!



Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
PNewitt said:
I don't know how we switched gears from a dash plaque to key fobs, but, hey, "go for it", Tim!

Here is one of my concepts, that I've been working on during the past two months. it includes my (copyrighted) GT/CS Registry Logo.

Stay Tuned, as it develops!

Paul N.
If you do this please enclude us that own one of the new GT/CS, I mean the 2007 like I have, great idea!! Kathy


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
PNewitt said:
I need your input on something I'm designing for the Registry.

With the book, I would like to include a few goodies, one being some sort of dash plaque.

Here are the possibilities:

1. Classic dash plaque. It has on it: "1968 Ford Mustang GT/CS -- Member- GT/CS Registry" wit hartwork of the car, a plam tree, etc.

2. A little dash emblem that just happens to fit where the little red and chrome horse goes--on the RH dash , next to the word "MUSTANG". it would say: "GT/CS" , or "GT/CS Registry"

3. Door Sill plates that would say: "1968 Ford Mustang GT/CS", with the stripe logo, and "California Special" script logo, too.

4. An under-hood plate that could fit in that fender notch, where it meets that LH side inner fender. It's between two fender bolts. It would say: "Member--"GT/CS Registry". I have to be careful to not make these look like VIN plates., nor should they be used to "authenticate fakes", etc... I don't wish to mislead folks, either.

Actually, 1,3, and 4 could be the same, and used in any of the places i mentioned. I'm also looking into using an existing plastic (or metal) original emblem frame backing, like they used for a Fairlane, or '66 T-5, etc., that is off the shelf, to put the plaque into. But--where would you put something like that? Not on the fender. The plaque colors will be most likely black and (California) Gold, just like the decal.

What are your thoughts about this? Would you like it to also say: "1968-2008" 40th Anniversary of the Mustang GT/CS"?? (I'd like to say: "Designed for Ford by Shelby Automotive", but that would cause a real ruckus if I did THAT..).

Thanks for your input. BTW--I'm doing the decals very soon, too. Similar in the old design, but with the number changed, etc. It will be like original, in gold and black.

Paul N.
I wouldn't mind having a dash plaque that says something about 1968-2008 idea to put on it, I would want one to go on the dash of mine on the rider side on the dash panel. On the new GT/CS , there isn't anything that says GT/CS. only on side panels and on the badge on the trunk, on mine you can't hardly see it, so I am replacing the side panels with reflective white/silvet decals and a decal that says California Special to put on my mini hood protector and maybe on the rear some place. As you might know mine is black and the side panel is almost opaque dark gray. The earlier models had the scriped lettering California Special above the back tire fender sort to speak.