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Car Alarm


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Gettysburg, Pa.
Last year a man was looking for his Shelby that was stolen. At the show he found it but I don't know what happened after that. The man showing the car was from Canada. I would like to know what ever happened to the case.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
I look at it this way. Car alarms are like door locks, they are there to keep the honest - honest. If a thief wants it bad enough they are gonna get it. My 91 LX 5.0 was alarmed, ignition cut off switch and all. It got stolen in the parking lot of Target in less than 5 minutes. The car was recovered 2 days later stripped in an alley. They popped the passenger door, yanked the wire harness and cut it in half killing all power, loaded it on a hauler and away they went. While filling out the police report an elderly man talked to both me and the officer and said he saw them loading it onto a hauler but, thought nothing of it. The bad thing about it was my car was the 4th one in a 2 week period stolen from the same area (all mustangs). You'd think the cops would of stepped up patrols in the area. No such luck.

We had a gentleman last year here in Columbus for the Good Guys show loose his whole set-up. Truck, trailer and a 1966 Pontiac GTO right out of the hotel parking lot. They even had 2 people walking the lot and they still got it.

I do what Arlie suggested in his post now, pull the rotor. But, on the other hand that's why we have insurance. I even had a guy try and take my copy of Paul's first registry out of my car at a show. Thanks to a couple watchful neighbors, he didn't get far. For the most part, I think most shows are pretty safe since everybody looks out for each other. I know when I'm at a show I try and watch the cars around me. I see something that doesn't look right - I've got no problem asking questions. :wink:


Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
I have an ignition kill switch. But mostly I never let the car out of my sight. If so, I pull the coil wire. I agree with Don, it only keeps the honest people from taking it.
I have had my car stolen before but that was because my *$#@*!# boyfriend at the time left the keys in the trunk lock and went inside to answer the phone.
The neighbor decided to go joy riding. He passed a cop on a residential street in a stolen car with out of state plates. DUH! Then he pulled into a Quick Mart and the cops busted him. They already had photos of my car and a BOL.

A couple days later I got home from work and my mom calls and asks me if I got my car back yet...I didn't even know it had been stolen! I had walked right past it when I got home with my work truck. I was lucky the dude didn't mess it up too bad.
