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Red GT/CS in Texas on eBay



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
The plot thickens!!!

Here is an article from Mustang Monthly, May 1998. I'm certain this is the same car. Red on black, 390 4V with air, woodgrain on the console, Firestone tires, restored by someone who knew what he was doing.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
The plot thickens!!!

Here is an article from Mustang Monthly, May 1998. I'm certain this is the same car. Red on black, 390 4V with air, woodgrain on the console, Firestone tires, restored by someone who knew what he was doing.

what makes you think it is the same car? license plate? If he knew what he was doing why did he add deluxe interior and such?

article states restored to concours. A interior change is not very concours. nor is adding a clock.

some of the other info in the article makes it close to the one considering there were only 8 390's sent to the Dallas DSO (per the article).


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
What makes you think it is the same car?

Red on black, 390 4V with air, woodgrain on the console, Firestone tires


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
I can see that. anything else when you saw it in person that could nail it down?

The article states in was concours. adding a deluxe interior and clock amoung other things is my basis that is COULD be a different one.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2006
article states restored to concours. A interior change is not very concours. nor is adding a clock.

It sure could be a concours restore, even if you change the interior to something that the car was not delivered with as long as it was a factory option.

There are no rule against it as long as it could be delivered from the factory that way. You can change the color if you wanted and still enter and win in concours classification, but the door tag better match these changes.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
The article is incorrect in saying it was restored to concours since the interior picture shows woodgrain on the console. As far as I know there were no woodgrain consoles in '68. Too bad there isn't a picture of the ceiling or the interior quarter trim panels.

The only thing that keeps nagging at me for this not being the same car is that the side stripes are correct on the car in the article.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I went back and took a look at the photos I took.

Here are some similarities:

Both cars have the same 1968 inspection sticker on the passenger side of the windshield

Both cars have a white oval sticker on the lower edge of the drivers side of the windshield

The article says the owner had a Shelby signed glove box door.

The chrome vinyl top piece on the passenger side is 2" too short on both cars

Both cars have the later style fog light covers

Both cars have the hood hole grommets

Some differences:
The tires are different; Indys vs Firehawks

Blue shocks vs white shocks


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
There are no rule against it as long as it could be delivered from the factory that way. You can change the color if you wanted and still enter and win in concours classification, but the door tag better match these changes.

I have a hard time with a color change and a repro door tag matching the color change and being able to win a concours class. Color change is a BIG point deduction.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2006
I have a hard time with a color change and a repro door tag matching the color change and being able to win a concours class. Color change is a BIG point deduction.

I understand what you are saying, but there is nothing in the rules that disallow this. It is very much like the Military, Don't ask, Don't tell.

Remember, MCA does have a category named Thoroughbred where the standard is much more stringent. Can't even have repro parts at all.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
Unless MCA required a Marti report to verify originality. But in all fairness, MCA could not require this because as I understand, there's no record prior to '67's. True?
Neil Hoppe


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I'll leave the particulars for the buyer to disclose. He's a poster on this site.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Valencia, California
As you read this the Texas RED GT/CS will be on a truck working it’s way back to California after 39 years.

It all started when Arlie posted “Just got back” He had me hooked and I just could not wait to learn more about a car that I first saw on eBay. A red GT/CS with air and that 390 big block.

I have owned quite a few cars from FI – Corvettes (63) and Shelby’s (66) and currently a 55 Nomad and 59 Sprite. I sold my last Shelby in Oct 06 to help finance a house for my mother-in-law, just a little house in the mountains, just north of LA. At that time I agreed with my wife that the next car would be a California Special.

Back to the Red Mustang – I have always loved the CA Special and said that I’d someday find one. I have been closely watching this site for a couple of years, but my interest picked when I learned that they made CA Specials with a 390. I knew that I had to get me one of those. I did look at a number of cars and almost bought 1 or 2. But something kept nagging me to wait for a 390.

So when I saw this Texas car on eBay and asked the owner if he had a Marti report – at that time he did not, I asked him to get one, he did but after the auction. Then this site started looking at this car – and a member said that he’d take a drive and look at it, we know who that person was.

Arlie stated - The car is beautiful but it also has minor issues. And then the people on this site offered their 2 cents worth, and for that I am thankful for. I even had some private emails and some phone calls that I initiated. Those who put up with my questions were wonderful – you know who you are. I have to tell you I was concerned that someone else was going to buy this car many times over.

It was great seeing through CS owner’s eyes what was right and wrong with this car. I printed every comment and car photo and went to a couple of friends (Ford fanatics’) here in S. CA and reviewed this car page by page. Still it was nagging me was that I really did not know the cars history. After much searching and “bugging” someone who owned Paul’s book gave name of who was connected to this cars VIN with that name I was able to track down some of this cars history. BTW I was able to find and buy Paul’s books because of this site.

And YES – it is the car that was in the May issue of Mustang Monthly – I talked to the person(s) who did the car. They are in the Dallas Mustang Club as MCA judges. The car was never wrecked nor had any rust. The car was completely restored around 1997 and shown in Texas shows, the owner at that time ran into the original owner who gave a little more history. He bought it new from a Ken Ray Ford in 1968, and that time the deluxe interior was in the car. When the cars restorers redid the car they replaced some of the interior pieces due to either being damaged or missing as the car sat for 4 to 5 years in a Mustang shops lot, some parts were sold. It was interesting to ask questions to the restorers about the car – I remembered couple of things was noted by the group or Arlie; “holes” on both sides of the car in the door hinge, I found out that these were for a 60’s type of alarm button that was activated when the door was opened. Another thing was the vinyl type chrome piece – it is supposed to be there and it is just pressed in – go figure.

After the restoration the car was traded to a local Ford dealer for a pick up truck – yes I know it is Texas. The car sat on the showroom floor until 2001 when it was bought as a graduation present for a 17 year girl. She has had it since; she joined the Army and is now studying law, married and wanting to have a baby. It was time for her to let the car go. I promised her that if I ever decide to part with the car she gets 1st option. They just could not keep the car and do what it is needed to keep a car like this is shape. She and her husband seem like real decent people, and I have talked to them many times.

Back to the story, almost 2 moths after the eBay auction was over I contacted the owners and started some serious discussions’. We agreed to price and I had it checked out again locally – it has some minor issues such as a pan leak, and some incorrect after market replacement parts; it needs an original exhaust system and idler arm – anybody have one please call. But the underside is perfect and no rust was found – boy did we look. The car was on a lift and another 20 photo’s were taken. The body is in great shape with only a dent on the driver’s side and one old paint flaw. The leaks and body repairs will start this Thursday, August 16th any other cleaning up will take place as time permits.

As I do with my other toys this car will be driven and enjoyed – I will strive to make it original; just because that what I do, I don’t plan on showing it at car shows because that’s not me.

I think that this site is just wonderful and very helpful – you are the eyes and ears that helped me and I am sure others find a great car. As I read the site posts often I am amazed at the number of times people like Arlie will offer their time to look at cars, people like Mike (somethingspecial) will take his valuable time to talk about unique parts for the 390, the person who sold me Paul’s books at an reasonable price and lastly the others who just offered opinions – and why do they do this - I have to believe it because they are nice people who love these cars and want to just help out. And for that I thank you all.