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1968 New owner, spare wires...


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
Just bought what appears to be a pretty original 100k survivor Cal Special. Signs of a respray or touch up, and maybe a replaced headlight bucket, but most of the rest looks pretty correct to the hobbyists eye. Even has the factory pressed paper heater plenum in really good condition.

I did notice two wires outside the steering column connector, coming from the steering wheel side, one yellow/black, one purple. Have the metal end tips that slot into the clip, but are just hanging loose. No spare slots in the connector.... anyone have any idea why this might be, other than PO changing something, it all looks pretty original under there.... fogs, horn and signals all work... just realized I did not check emergency flashers...

Not the same on my two '68 big blocks, wondering if its a 289 or CS thing...



Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Hi Rich,
Looks like someone has replaced the turn switch. Some of the replacements had the extra wires. I would just tape them off. Marty

68 special

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2004
When I replaced my turn signal switch, I had to use one that was for a tilt wheel, cause everyone I tried was out of stock on the standard switches. Sounds like that is what you have.
