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Reflector Bezel Gasket


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
I had an original '68 coupe (late year model) with the chrome bezel reflectors on the rear quarters. The bezels had a black rubber gasket between the bezel and the quarter panel.
In recent years I've noticed many late '68's that the bezel is mounted directly to the quarter panel (no gasket), including my current C/S.
I don't know if these gaskets were applied at ALL the Ford plants, or if they were eliminated over the years through paint jobs, repairs, etc.
I have found these gasket sets at Mustangs Unlimited. Their P/N= MLG1, $13.95 + shipping. I just put them on my car - reasonable quality, good fit.
Thought I'd pass this info on, for interested owners.
Neil Hoppe

The P/N on the package says "Replaces:C8WY-13493"
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005

Does anyone know the history of these pads? For example did all late '68 Mustangs have them. I read somewhere that the pads were discontinued after a few months so not all Mustangs with this style of reflector had the pads.

Anyone? Anyone?

Bueller? Bueller?


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
My info is kinda sketchy. The one I mentioned was an original car (I was the 2nd owner). Most late '68's I see do not have this rubber gasket, and I've heard that the P/N is for Cougars. I put them on any '68 I have because I think they look better, and I never cared for the metal reflector frame chafing against the painted surface.
