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2008 California Special Member Get Together


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
I could probably make the North Idaho trip.... from Boise. I used to spend a fair amount of time in the Dugout in Post Falls - is it still there? How about the Hot Rod Cafe?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
The Hot Rod Cafe is still going strong but the Dugout is closed down.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2005
I wish we could come up with a consensus, I have to put in my vacation this week for next year and it can not be changed. We need maybe a 3 person comittee or something because all I am seeing is ideas and no decisions. There is alot of good ideas, Don your area sounds great, alot of old car history in Ohio with alot to do, I remember Bob had a idea of Steambout Springs which sounded great, which was around fathers day. Anyway lets get this organized Chuck


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
[quote author=twoclassics link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=75#msg16471 date=1131672831]
We need maybe a 3 person comittee or something because all I am seeing is ideas and no decisions.


Badges-er I mean committee! We don't need no stinkin' committee! A decision has been made, by me. If one person shows up, there will be a CS meet. 8) If someone else wants to step forward and host a meet in a location that is more popular, I'll support that but there were a lot of "what if's" and "how about's" and no "here's where it is" so I ponied up. I've hosted large events before for other clubs and I know it takes months of tracking down little details to make it all happen, unless you want to drive 600 miles to have a burger with some folks and then go home. Anyway, everyone is welcome, regardless of how far away you are, or if you have something better and are willing to commit yourself, I'll support you (generic "you" not anyone in particular).


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
Northwest gathering

I like Steve's offer to host in Post Falls, Idaho. That would be a great location for a Northwest gathering. North Idaho has some beautiful roads, lakes and mountains - maybe we could make a cruise around Coeur d'Alene lake. Post Falls is close to the border of North Idaho and Eastern Washington, easy access for cars from Canada, Montana, Washington, Idaho and Oregon - or further if you like to drive.

Randy in Boise


the place across the border sounds great. terry. but then again what about some nice hot weather that is so common aroung vegas or somthing like that


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
First, Thanks Jon for changing my online name. I was ready for a change to something different. Second, I encourage members in other areas to host their own get together. I know that not everyone will be able to come clear out here. Other geographically large clubs hold mini-meets all over the country, it just requires that someone be willing to do the work to host it. If a bunch of us hold meets all over the country for the next couple of years, we'll have a wealth of experience to make the "National" meet in 2008 even better. So who's going to be the next one to say they're doing one in their area?

P.S., the cruise around Lake Couer d'Alene was/is one of two possible contenders. I need to drive both routes I'm thinking of to compare, as seen by first timers, in the spring to decide. If I get enough people coming, I'm thinking of having T-shirts made up to commemorate it also.
Steve (now known as rvrtrash to recognize my other activity, white water rafting)