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1968 How Did I Miss This?


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2017
Missing Front Fender Emblems

So now that I got all the stuff done to my car over the winter, I thought it was high time to wax it before the first cruise-in next week. As I was waxing the first front fender, I realized that I do not have the front fender Mustang script emblem. I looked on the other side. Nope.

I was sure my prior GTCS had these emblems. So I come inside, and look at the GTCS Recognition Guide and sure enough, all the cars in there have the emblem.

How did I miss this???

So then with a little research last night, I find that at least for non-GTCS Mustangs that were true GT cars, those did not have the emblems. My GTCS is not also a true GT car.

So, I guess I should put them on. But I am loathe to drill holes for fear of the drill walking. Also, I need the measurements of where they go.

Has anyone ever used an adhesive to put them on that would not harm paint? I am thinking perhaps rubber cement?

Any other suggestions?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
If it's the original fender, and the body shop just skimmed over the holes with body filler, you should be able to see where the mounting holes are in the back of the fender. There would probably be a little bump of filler sticking out. If you take a very small drill bit and turn it very slowly from the back, you can probably open up a "pilot hole" without damaging the paint. You can then use a larger bit from the front, slowly, and reopen the mounting holes.
